What role did prejudice play in the history of psychology?

What role did prejudice play in the history of psychology?

influenced basic issues such as who could become a psychologist and where he or she could find employment

1. discrimination against women

- women denied admission or excluded from faculty positions

- low salaries and no promotion/tenure

- Eleanor Gibson was told that the director of the primate lab at Yale would not permit women and that she wasn't allowed to use the graduate student's library or cafeteria

- now more female psychologists are in the field

- APA division of feminism

2. discrimination based on ethnic origin

- jews faced admission discrimination. many schools had a maximum amount of available positions for jews

- this happened for blacks as well

- many psychologists faced discrimination after being accepted, such as lack of job opportunities - Francis Sumner experienced segregation in school

- Abraham Maslow was urged to change his name into something less Jewish

- more efforts now for diversity

- APA division of race, culture, and ethnic studies


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