What are some advantages of remote sensing?

What are some advantages of remote sensing?

1. Remote sensing is unobtrusive if the sensor passively records the EMR reflected or emitted by the object of interest. Passive remote sensing does not disturb the object or area of interest.

2. Remote sensing devices may be programmed to collect data systematically, such as within a 9 9 in. frame of vertical aerial photography. This systematic data collection can remove the sampling bias introduced in some in situ investigations.

3. Under controlled conditions, remote sensing can provide fundamental biophysical information, including x,y location, z elevation or depth, biomass, temperature, and moisture content.

4. Remote sensing-derived information is now critical to the successful modeling of numerous natural processes, such as water-supply estimation; eutrophication studies, and nonpoint source pollution; and cultural processes such as land-use conversion at the urban fringe, water-demand estimation, and population estimation.


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