Describe and explain the three-level approach to aggression and violence.

Describe and explain the three-level approach to aggression and violence.

Level 1: Creating a nonviolent school environment- one-shot "antiviolence" campaigns rarely have a lasting effect, so creating a peaceful, nonviolent school environment should be the goal. To do this, educators should: make a joint, schoolwide commitment to supporting all students' academic and social success; provide a challenging and engaging curriculum; form caring, trusting faculty-student relationships; involve students in decision making; and provide mechanisms through which students can communicate their concerns openly and without fear of reprisal.

Level 2: intervening early for students at risk- some students need intervention to interact effectively with peers, establish good working relationships with teachers, and become bona fide members of the school community. This intervention cannot be "one size fits all" but instead tailored to each student's individual strengths and needs.

Level 3: Providing intensive information for students in trouble- minor interventions will not always be sufficient. Some students have serious mental illnesses that interfere with their ability to think rationally, cope appropriately with everyday frustrations, and control impulses. Schools must work closely and collaboratively with other community groups to help students at high risk for aggression and violence.


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