Contrast the differences between authoritative, authoritarian and permissive teaching styles. What are some of the effects of each teaching style on student learning.

Contrast the differences between authoritative, authoritarian and permissive teaching styles. What are some of the effects of each teaching style on student learning.


- loving and supportive environment
-high expectations and standards
-explain why some behaviors are acceptable or not
-constant reinforcement of rules
-include children in decision making
-age-appropriate opportunity for independence
Children tend to be:
-happy, self confident, curious, independent, self reliant, self control, respectful, motivated and successful


-less emotional warmth
-high expectations and standards
-rules without regard for behavior
-expect rules to be obeyed without question
-little give-and-take in adult/child discussion
Children tend to be:
-unhappy, anxious, low self-confidence, lack initiative, dependent on others, lack social skills, prosocial behaviors, coercive in dealing with others, defiant


-loving and supportive environment
-few expectations or standards
-rarely punishing inappropriate behavior
-children make many of their own decisions
Children tend to be:
-selfish, unmotivated, dependent on others, demanding of attention, disobedient, impulsive


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