List Of Multiple Choice Questions

Define inattentional blindness.The inability to quickly detect changes in complexWith regard to attention, what is extinction?Is neglect contralateral or ipsilateral?Is left visual neglect associated with damage to tIs right visual neglect associated with damage toWhat does someone who has left neglect do?What does someone who has right neglect do?What is the task of the individual when completingWhat is the name of the task where a patient is gi_______ is a condition where individuals behave asAttention is associated with which cerebral lobe?Attention is associated with which parietal lobe?Where does the where pathway go?There are two pathways that leave V1, what are theAccording to the textbook attention my work by cauAccording to the textbook attention my work by cauAccording to the textbook attention my work by cauPlayers of a certain type of video game tend not tHow close must the second target be to the first iWhat is attentional blink?We are highly capable of performing an RSVP task aWhat is the task of the participant in the RSVP exIn research related to attention, what does RSVP sWe often erroneously combine one feature with anotThe problem faced by the visual system of determinWe often makes use of the fact that objects existA _______ task is one where the participant must sWhat is a serial self terminating search?A___________ search is one in which multiple stimuA _________ task is one where the participants musWhat happens to reaction time when setting size inDefine salience.True or false, In a visual search task, reaction tIn a visual search task, what is the task of the pIn a visual search task, what percentage of the trIn a visual search task, what percentage of the trThe number of items in a visual display of a visuaIn a visual search, _______ is the scientific nameIn a visual search task, ______ is the scientificGenerally speaking, a _______ task is one where thTrue or false. According to the textbook, the bestYou are looking for your car keys, you look in a pWhat percentage of trials contain an invalid cue?What percentage of trials contain a valid cue?What happens to reaction time when an invalid cueWhat happens to reaction time when a valid cue isThere are two different types of cues used in atteWith regard to attention, what is a cue?The ability to pick up one of many stimuli is refe______ attention refers to those instances when yo____ attention refers to directing a sense organ a_____ attention refers to our ability to attend to___ attention refers to attention to stimuli in thTrue or False, according to the textbook, attentioBased on this excerpt, which of the following woulTecumseh believed that which of the following woulJefferson's call to avoid entangling alliances isJefferson's statement "that the minority possessesWhich of the following describes a policy of JeffeWho of the following would be most likely to agreeIn the United States, support for the War of 1812Which individual or group among the following woulThe dispute involving the Kentucky resolutions demThe Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were issuedIn addition to his farewell's address, part of WasOne of the strong reasons that Washington and otheWho of the following would be most critical of HamWhich of the following benefited most directly froHamilton's constitutional argument was based on whWhich of the following was the primary reason forFor some, the Revolutionary War was also a civil wThe group most likely to oppose the ideas expresseWhich of the rights in the excerpt is expressed inIn the context of the various disputes between theWhich of the following groups or individuals wouldWhich of the following documents most forcefully dKing George's rejection of the olive branch petitiWhich of the following is the underlying goal of tWhich of the following actions by the colonists isWhich of the following was a direct British responFor the first time, the Stamp Act placed on the coThe resolution of the Stamp Act Congress expressedWhich of the following leaders from an earlier perThe concern expressed in this excerpt helps explaiWhat was the context in which Mayhew was writing?Mayhew would probably apply his warning, "Not useWhich of the following possible influences on MayhAccording to Mayhew, the people should be willingWhich of the following was a long-term effect of tWhich group would most strongly support Zenger's pWhich of the following had an effect on attitudesLocke's writings had the most direct influence onHow is the topic of Locke's writing similar to mosThe primary market for the Virginian tobacco cropWhich of the following groups made up most of theDespite the success of tobacco in Virginia, the coBacon's Rebellion was initiated by a group of farmBased on the information in this excerpt, what isWhich of the following best summarizes the attitudWhich of the following religious groups were the aThe activities of Coronado and other Spanish and PBased on Coronado's observations, which of the folWhich of the following is a reason historians areWhich of the following European nations would be tThe primary audience that Las Casas hoped to influWhich of the following best explains the underlyinWhich of the following factors best explains why nWhich of these was a common reaction by Indians toWhich of the following is NOT always an "authorize"__________" means a device that a person may ride_______ means a motor vehicle designed and used pr_____ means a motor vehicle designed and used prim________ means a motor vehicle designed, used, or_______ means a motor vehicle, other than a motorc_________ means a motor vehicle used to transport________ means a device that can be used to transpWhich if the following, by definition, is always u___ means, used in reference to a vehicle, a perso_______ means an individual, association, corporat_______ means a paved shoulder._______ means the period beginning one-half hour bLarry Cartwright was traveling west on a winding rChristopher Estes was traveling west on a winding,An operator of a vehicle facing a circular green l"__________" means a motor vehicle other than a taThe junction of an alley with a street or highwayThe right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceedRichard James was traveling north on Barrier Rd. aJustin Knight was traveling south on IH 35 feederKatrina was traveling north on Jones Rd and WillieShanna is walking west on a sidewalk and BeatriceWhich of the following is NOT authorized by the TrJames Pamplona was traveling north on Killer HighwWhat is the maximum speed allowed for an alley?Reckless driving is punishable by __________A person commits an offense if the person is at leLester Pugh is traveling north on Jordan Rd. whenA person commits an offense if the person operatedA person may not occupy a house trailer while it iWhich of the following violations is NOT in the TrWhich of the following violations under the rightA __________ may not open the door of a motor vehiWhich of the following types of lights is NEVER reA pedestrian facing a __________ may not enter a rA pedestrian facing a __________ may not enter a rWhat information is NOT required on a "Notice To AAn officer shall issue a written notice to appearThe time and place specified in the notice to appeWhich of the following statements are true?Which of the following statements are true?A 1995 Chevy Impala with the motor removed is a __The department may not issue a commercial driver'sQuotation Question. With what words did John the BQuotation Question: What great statement did PeterQuotation Question: What is the Golden Rule?Quotation Question: What is the mission of the ChuQuotation Question: What power is there in unitedQuotation Question: Quote the verse of Romans chapQuotation Question: What rule do we find in ProverQuotation Question: Quote the verse of PhilippiansQuotation Question: According to Zechariah, how caQuotation Question: Quote the verse of Acts chapteQuotation Question: What did Peter tell the peopleWhich person does Simon Bolivar consider his parenIn the Spanish social hierarchy structure, Simon BHow many listings do you need to have to adjust UPWhat are the recommended ways to take X-rays of upWhat does Hester's letter "A" eventually come to rWhat does Chillingworth pretend to be?Where do Hester and Pearl live?What color of clothing does Hester always wear?What item of clothing does Hester make for GovernoHow does Pearl become wealthy?How do Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape theirWhat mark can supposedly be seen on Dimmesdale's cHow does Pearl acknowledge Dimmesdale as her fatheWhy does Pearl not recognize her mother when she sWhat natural phenomenon comes to symbolize both DiNext to whom is Hester buried?How does Hester support herself financially?How does Mistress Hibbins eventually die?Who is Mistress Hibbins?In what city do Hester and Pearl live?Which of the following is a method Dimmesdale usesWhat item in the governor's mansion shows Hester aWhat is situated immediately outside the door of tWith whom has Chillingworth been living before heWhere do Hester and Chillingworth live before comiIn what century is the story of Hester Prynne set?What are the risk factors for chronic disease?What are the determinants of health?What are the 3 categories of prevention?What are the 3 categories of intervention?What are the 3 CORE functions of a PHN workforce?What statement below best describes the term 'riskPopulation priorities are determined through partiThe National preventative health strategy providesThe Responsible Children's Marketing Initiative isWhat is the goal of the Responsible Children's MarThe Core function(s) for the Public Health NutritiThe number one "global" public health nutrition isGroups such as the Obesity Policy Coalition advoca"The media do not present simple reflections of exIn the eight concepts of media literacy, the thirdIf you were a nutritionist in a local council thatGive an example of the link between behaviour andPublic health nutrition focuses on:A socio-ecological approach to public health nutriWhich of the following best describes an example oCardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes comprisWhen planning an intervention to prevent chronic dBill has recently had a stroke and spends some timImplementing policy is an example of what type ofWhen considering the three types of prevention effSarah is a dietitian who works at a Medicare LocalAntoinette Tyrrell, marketing manager Coca-Cola SoWhich of the following goals would be appropriateThe following goal is appropriate for which typesAs a Speech-Languge Pathologist, you evaluate a 4-______ is an intensive treatment originally design________ starts with the most stimulable phonologiThe following approaches are language-based approa______ refers to the ability to perceive differenc____ is the ability to produce the target phoneme_____ refers to how easy it is to understand the iIn assessment of phonology and articulation, __________ is a neurological speech sound disorder thatSpeech-sound disorders can have a negative impactSeventy-five percent of children outgrow their spe____ are disorders of conceptualization of languagMost of the phonological processes that toddlers uYoung children use ______ to simplify a difficultAt 6-7 months, babbling changes into ______.By _____, infants are able to imitate tone and pitConsonant phonemes are classified according toA _______ is an abnormal opening in an anatomical______ are voice disorders that result from emotioAn inability to control vocal intensity of loudnesVoice disorders in children are usually related toFor voice disorders, deviations may be in which ofModifications in the length and _______ of the voc_____ is a result of not varying habitual speakingVocal pitch is measured in ______, whereas vocal l_____ is the perceptual correlate of intensity.____ is the perceptual correlate of fundamental frVelopharyngeal insufficiency is failure of the vel______ is the quality of voice that is produced frAn indicator for a positive recovery in someone whThe "C" in the ABC's of stuttering refers to______ is the consistent ability to move the speecThe goal of the SLP working with a fluency clientAccording to Mrs. Barbara Kucharski the most imporAs many as ______ of preschool children who had beSelection of intervention techniques depends on_______ is a fluency shaping technique that reduceTherapy might be recommended if:Three or more within word disfluencies per _____ wThe ______ theory of stuttering contends that stutThe _______ theory of stuttering asserts that stutThe _______ theory of stuttering proposes an actuaIn Phase Four of the developmental framework of stIn Phase One of the developmental framework of stuOnset of developmental stuttering is between what______ is typically associated with neurological d______ is the most common form of stuttering; it oThe primary goal of intervention for a client withCognitive rehabilitation that focuses on developinMr. Smith is a Speech Therapy client of yours thatCar accident, firearms, and falls are the leadingHypoxia is an example of a Closed Head Injury charA complex injury causing disruption in normal funcThis picture is representative of a drawing done bLeft side neglect, impaired judgement and self -moAphasia intervention should incorporate the clientA functional assessment of communicative abilitiesWhen families ask how long their loved one will haThe primary cause of aphasia isDifficulty chewing or swallowing isMeaningless or irrelevant speech with intonation iDifficulty with naming and word-finding isA patient who presents with slow, labored speech aWernicke's Aphasia is characterized by paraphasiasAphasia meansLiteracy can be used in therapy to promote PragmatA child that exhibits typical to above average worWhich of the following should be targeted in the ABeing able to manipulate sounds through the procesThe knowledge that print has function and meaningReading Development begins around the age of:Which of the following are needed to build reading_______ occurs as a reader combines decoding skillThe knowledge of sounds, syllables, and the soundAccording to ASHA, the role of a Speech-Language PThe process used in reading to segment a word andA Literacy Impairment in adulthood could be causedThe use of visual modes of communication includingInfants who have been Drug-Exposed or have Fetal ASuccess of intervention in those with language impThe most common form of injury in children isWhen trying to elicit specific language features sThe process of probing performance to identify posMild to severe deficits in the areas of social intWhen evaluating a child for Autism spectrum DisordWhich of the following is NOT a red flag for AutisWhich of the following Childhood Language DisorderChildren with a language impairment typically haveNinety percent of language form including phonologChildren typically begin combining 2 words togetheFirst words typically emerge at aroundA wide variety of disorders or delays that may beThe ___ covers the opening to the trachea during aFood should enter the ____ when swallowed.The tongue, lips, and teeth make up the ____.The rules of language compose its ____.The sound produced by vocal fold vibration isThe primary function of the vocal tract isSpeech occurs during ____.During phonation the vocal folds ___.The trachea is part of the ___.The energy for verbal communication comes from theDuring speech breathing, exhalation is active andWhen documenting you should write your notes so thThe acronym S.O.A.P. when used in writing progressIncidental Teaching when providing Intervention foWhich goal does not contain a measurable way to ga___ is the exchange of ideas between senders and rWhen assessing vocal quality the following shouldThe way speech sounds are formed is referred to asStuttering is classified as ____.____ of human communication is nonverbalChildren who meet developmental milestones on scheRules of pragmatics would prevent you from _____.About ______ percent of the total of U.S. populatiA child who has limited vocabulary, misuses words,The rate and rhythm of speech may be referred to aThe success or failure of communication depends inDialects are differences that reflect a particularDialects are considered disorders by ASHA.Pragmatic rules of communication vary from cultureIf a child has difficulty arranging words in a senWhich of the following contains a bound morpheme?The form of language includes ___Linguistic Intuition refers to ___The age range of individuals with communication diWhich is not a principle of ASHA's code of ethics?Some degree of hearing loss occurs in ____ percentSchool-age children with communication disorders oWhat percent of all children born in the U.S. haveSLP Aides ___A principle of ASHA's Code of Ethics is that profeAccording to ASHA, Evidence Based Practice shouldAudiologist help contribute to the prevention of hThe governing professional organization for speechAudiologists are required toWhat is NOT a tax issue that multinational corporaWhat can investors who want to compare one companyWhat is the goal of the International Accounting SWhich of the following best illustrates a functionWhich source of funds to financing international tHow do options contracts hedge exchange rate risk?What are two short-term effects of currency movemeA successful shoe manufacturer has long been subcoWhat is most likely to happen if a computer companWhy many companies outsource?What should a smart company do regarding customerFrederick Sanger is a twice recipient of the NobelDuring World War II, when did Germany attack FrancGermany signed the Armistice Treaty on ____ and WoHermann Scheer (Germany) received right LivelihoodGuru Gobind Singh wasGeorgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the meFilm and TV institute of India is located atFire temple is the place of worship of which of thFrom the following, choose the set in which namesDuring eleventh Antarctic Expedition in Nov. 1991/Friction can be reduced by changing fromGuwahati High Court is the judicature ofGravity setting chambers are used in industries toFamous sculptures depicting art of love built someEach year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day isFederation Cup, World Cup, Allywyn International TFor the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensDumping isFirst China War was fought betweenGulf cooperation council was originally formed byFirst Afghan War took place inGuarantee to an exporter that the importer of hisGolf player Vijay Singh belongs to which country?Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his heHabeas Corpus Act 1679Galileo was an Italian astronomer whoFirst human heart transplant operation conducted bEpsom (England) is the place associated withFastest shorthand writer wasFFC stands forHitler party which came into power in 1933 is knowFor which of the following disciplines is Nobel PrGarampani sanctuary is located atEritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN iEntomology is the science that studiesGrand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is tLaboratory results reveal decreased levels of prolA nurse is administering risperidone (Risperdal) tWhich of the following components should a nurse rA newly admitted client has taken thioridazine (MeA client states, "I hear voices that tell me thatA client has been recently admitted to an inpatienA college student has quit attending classes, isolDuring an admission assessment, a nurse notes thatIf clozapine (Clozaril) therapy is being considereA client diagnosed with schizophrenia is prescribeAn aging client diagnosed with chronic schizophrenA client diagnosed with schizophrenia takes an antAfter taking chlorpromazine (Thorazine) for 1 montA client diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia presA nurse is caring for a client who is experiencingA client is diagnosed with schizophrenia. A physicA client diagnosed with schizophrenia is slow to rWhich statement should indicate to a nurse that anA client diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia staWhich nursing behavior will enhance the establishmWhich nursing intervention would be most appropriaA client diagnosed with psychosis NOS (not otherwiA client diagnosed with schizophrenia states, "CanDuring an admission assessment, a nurse asks a cliA client diagnosed with schizophrenia tells a nursA nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with paranParents ask a nurse how they should reply when theA 16-year-old-client diagnosed with paranoid schizA client diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder iA paranoid client presents with bizarre behaviors,Which of the following does the text suggest is onThe adversarial nature of the modern press has proThe text suggests American government is the "leakIn an age in which the media are very important, wThe president of the United States is unlike the cWhich of the following presidents first made his pThe first president to engage in the systematic cuThe potential impact of the media coverage is certA study of the top ten newspapers and the AssociatEarly in American history, newspapers had virtuallConservative dominance in talk radio can be best eResearch suggests members of the national news medSince the 1980s, studies of media bias have reacheThe text suggests that, if the Fairness Doctrine hIn general, the Supreme Court has upheld the rightFor a public official in the United States to winOnce something is published, a newspaper may be suAn irony concerning government regulation of the nIn the late 1980s the "watchdog" function of the mThe emphasis the media places on its role as "scorOne of Jimmy Carter's signal achievements in dealiWhich of the following statements concerning natioResearch suggests _____ especially have turned theJoint Operating Agreements are important to considPoliticians wishing to make news are well advisedIn 2000, the average sound bite of a presidentialThe invention of radio was a politically importantWhich of the following was not among the achievemeWhich of the following was a milestone in the devePoliticians have become more heavily dependent onWhen CBS News ran a story claiming President BushThe key to shutting down an xterm window is to knoWhich UNIX command from the menu bar moves a windoWhat action puts unneeded windows out of the way wEvidence based practitioners ask whether there isHow many listings do you need to have to adjust UPWhat are the recommended ways to take X-rays of up____ is an applied science devoted to incorporatinPeople suffering from ____ feel distressed when de____ is a technology-related health condition thatA(n) ____ is an injury or disorder of the muscles,Airline reservation systems, communications networA(n) _______ is a device that contains surge proteTo protect against electrical power variations, usA momentary overvoltage, called a ____, occurs wheA _______ is a complete power failure.A(n) ____ occurs when the electrical supply or volExamples of ____ devices include smartphones, digi______ is the process of initiating contact betweeA USB _______ is a device that plugs in a USB portNewer USB versions are ____, which means they suppDevices that connect to a ____ include the followiA ____ is used to join a cable to a port.Instead of the term, port, the term, ____, sometimComputers and mobile devices connect to peripheralThe general price range for a supercomputer is ___A(n) ____ is a special-purpose computer that functActivity trackers, smartwatches, and smartglassesYour collection of stored media is called your med___ is the number of horizontal and vertical pixelCognitive psychologists have studied the effects oMany smartphones and mobile devices includepictureWith ____ service, users can send and receive shorA(n) ____ keyboard is a full-sized keyboard that cA(n) _______ is an Internet-capable phone that usuPopular types of ____ are smartphones, digital cam___ computing refers to an environment of serversWith weights that exceed 100 tons, ____ can storeA self-service _______ is a freestanding terminalA _______ is a computer, usually with limited procA server ____ is a network of several servers toge____ is the practice of sharing or pooling computiA _______ server is a server built into an uprightA ________ server is a server that is housed in aExamples of ____ servers include application serveServices provided by ____ include storing contentA ____, which is made of metal or plastic, is a frSome people use the term, ____, to refer to the caSome tablets include a ____ that you can use insteA ____ tablet is a tablet that has a screen it itsA thin laptop that uses the Windows operating systA laptop, also called a(n) ____ computer, is a thi___ consists of electronic components that store iTwo main components on the motherboard are the ___A ____ is the main circuit board of the personal cTypes of ____ include desktops, laptops, and tableA ____ is an electronic device, operating under thAbusive or insulting messages are called ____.____ is the conduct expected of individuals while____ is an Internet standard that permits file upl____ enables users to speak to other users via theIn a discussion group, a ____ consists of the origA ____ is a real-time typed conversation with many__ means that you and the people with whom you areYou ______ to an email list by adding your email aThe ____ symbol is used to separate a user name frA ____ is a program that extends the capability ofYour browser may require Adobe Reader to view andMany webpages use ____, which is the appearance ofThe GIF format works best for images that ____.A(n) ____ is a visual representation of data or inFor what reason do web designers use responsive weA ____ website allows users to collect content froA ____ is a website that provides a variety of Int____ e-commerce occurs when one consumer sells dirA customer visits an online business through an el_____ is the process of transferring data in a conA____ is a collaborative website that allows usersThe term ____ refers to the worldwide collection oThe collection of a user's Tweets make up a(n) ___A(n) ________ site is a website that enables membeA ________ is a word(s) preceded by the # symbol tDepending on your search text, search engines maySearch engines require that you enter a word or phWhat does GPS stand for?A web ____ contains content that has changed on aA webpage has a unique address, called a web addreThe more widely used web browsers are Chrome, FireCurrent browsers support ____ browsing, which allo___ refers to websites that provide a means for usA web ____ is a computer that delivers requested wVisitors to a ____ webpage all see the same contenWhen you enter a domain name in a browser, a(n) __The domain name system (DNS) is the method that thFor websites outside the United States, the suffixThe organization that approves and controls top-leA(n) ____ address is a sequence of numbers that unThe major carriers of network traffic are known coA ________ is equal to approximately one million c_______ represents the amount of data that travelsA(n) ____ is a business that provides individualsMany public locations, such as airports, hotels, sFixed wireless provides high-speed Internet connecToday, users often connect to the Internet via ___Earth has a magnetic axis which is angled ________How long does it take the moon to revolve once aroWhat kind of eclipse occurs when the moon blocks sEarth is closest to the sun during which season inHow long does it take the moon to rotate once?First-time exporters and importers often employ aWith respect to INCOTERMS, the seller transfers alWhich of the following are not addressed by termsFirst-time exporters and importers often employ aWith respect to INCOTERMS, the seller transfers alWhich of the following are not addressed by termsLogistics management encompasses more activities tInventory management is probably the single most iA(n) _____ finds and services markets overseas onWater ports can be controlled and managed by _____In terms of intermodal traffic, US railroads loadThe best trading partners for the US are Canada anAn emphasis on customer satisfaction was NOT one oWhich one was NOT one of the characteristics of th"Reverse logistics" deals with the activities invoTransportation decisions are more complicated in iInternational logistics includes activities that a"Supply chain management" is now considered to incIn 2012, the United States exported more goods thaInformation on foreign countries, including theirThe euro has replaced the currencies of all the otThe North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA)World trade in services represents a higher percenThe country that represents the largest share of iA firm just beginning to ship internationally is rMaterials management refers to what the firm doesLogistics was originally a military termOne expert has suggested that shippers can generalA manager may pay more for one element of serviceThe micturition reflexWhen the tubular load of a substance exceeds the tAngiotensin II causesWhich of these conditions increases the amount ofDrinking a large amount of beer results inJuxtaglomerular cells secreteUrea diffuses out of the __________ , and into theThe countercurrent multiplier mechanism of the nepWhich of these substances is actively transportedRenal tubules are __________ permeable to urea thaAt which of these locations is the osmolality of tAll of these compounds are reabsorbed from the filThe permeability of the distal tubule and the collThese ions are cotransported across the apical memThe percentage of filtrate volume reabsorbed in thThe ascending limb of the loop of Henle is _______In kidney nephron epithelial cells, __________ areIn kidney nephron epithelial cells, solutes are coDuring tubular reabsorption in the proximal tubuleAs filtrate moves through the thin segment of theA decrease in plasma proteins results inOf the filtrate that enters the nephron, about whaWhich of these substances normally cannot pass thrThe part of the plasma volume that passes throughThe part of the total cardiac output that passes tThe movement of substances from the filtrate backActive transport of substances from the blood intoSkeletal muscle that surrounds the urethra as it eThe triangular area of the urinary bladder betweenGiven these vessels: 1. arcuate vein 2. afferenThe __________ are specialized portions of the perThe part of a nephron between Bowman's capsule andCollectively, the capillary epithelium, basement mThe juxtaglomerular apparatus is formed where theThe tuft of capillaries in the renal corpuscle isGiven these parts of a nephron: 1. renal corpuscThe basic histological and functional unit of theThe major calyces of the kidney converge to form aThe apex of the renal pyramid is called theFibrous connective tissue that surrounds each kidnWhich of the following is an ethical concern of acWhat would be an advantage of having all countriesWhat is not a reason that accounting standards mayWhat is "expectation gap"?What is a possible danger if politics plays too biWhat is not a source of pressure that may influencThe purpose of the International Accounting StandaFinancial accounting standard-setting in the UniteWhich of the following is not considered a componeWhat is the purpose of a FASB Staff Position?Rule 203 of the Code of Professional Conduct addreWhich of the following publications does not qualiWhich of the following is not a part of generallyThe most significant current source of generally aGenerally accepted accounting principlesMembers of the Financial Accounting Standards BoarThe purpose of Statements of Financial AccountingAn organization that has not published accountingWhich of the following organizations has not beenWhich of the following pronouncements were issuedThe American Institute of Certified Public AccountThe purpose of the Emerging Issues Task Force is tFASB Technical BulletinsWhich of the following is not a publication of theThe Financial Accounting Standards Board employs aThe major distinction between the Financial AccounThe Financial Accounting FoundationThe Financial Accounting Standards BoardThe Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) waCompanies that are listed on a stock exchange areThe body that has the power to prescribe the accouThe role of the Securities and Exchange CommissionWhich organization is responsible for issuing EmerWhat is the purpose of Emerging Issues Task Force?The passage of a new FASB Standards Statement requWhy was it believed that accounting standards thatCharacteristics of generally accepted accounting pA characteristic of generally accepted accountingWhich organization was responsible for issuing AccWhy did the AICPA create the Accounting PrinciplesWhich of the following organizations has been respWhat is due process in the context of standard setWhat is the relationship between the Securities anWhich of the following is a general limitation ofA common set of accounting standards and procedureAccounting principles are "generally accepted" onlWhich perspective is adopted as part of the objectAccrual accounting is used becauseWhen making decisions, investors are interested inPrimary users for general-purpose financial statemWhat is the objective of financial reporting?Which of the following is not a major challenge faFinancial statements in the early 2000s provide inAn effective capital allocation processWhether a business is successful and thrives is deHow does accounting help the capital allocation prThe process of identifying, measuring, analyzing,Which of the following represents a form of communAll the following are differences between financiaThe information provided by financial reporting peThere are those that believe that the analysis ofWhich of the following is not a method of "benchmaReturn on Equity: In the latest year, Photon, Inc.Why is the quick ratio considered by some to be aWhich of the following is a benefit of a common-siDuPont equation: Sorenstam Corp has an equity multDuPont equation: Saunders, Inc., has a ROE of 18.7DuPont equation: Andrade Corp has debt of $2,834,9Profitability ratios: Tigger Corp. has reported thDuPont equation: GenTech Pharma has reported the fProfitability ratio: Juventus Corp has total assetMarket-value ratios: Perez Electronics Corp. has rMarket-value ratio: RTR Corp. has reported a net iLeverage ratio: Dreisen Traders has total debt ofLeverage ratio: What will be a firm's equity multiLeverage ratio: Your firm has an equity multiplierCoverage ratios: Fahr Company had depreciation expCoverage ratios: Sectors, Inc., has an EBIT of $7,Coverage ratio: Trident Corp. has debt of $3.35 miEfficiency ratio: Deutsche Bearings has total saleEfficiency ratio: Ellicott City Manufacturers, IncEfficiency ratio: Jet, Inc., has net sales of $712Efficiency ratio: Ellicott City Manufacturers, IncEfficiency ratio: Gateway Corp. has an inventory tEfficiency ratio: Jason Traders has sales of $833,Efficiency ratio: If Viera, Inc., has an accountsEfficiency ratio: If Randolph Corp. has accounts rLiquidity ratio: Ronaldinho Trading Co. is requireLiquidity ratio: Zidane Enterprises has a currentLiquidity ratio: Bathez Corp. has receivables of $Liquidity ratio: Lionel, Inc., has current assetsLimitations of ratio analysis include all butPeer group analysis can be performed byWhich one of the following statements about trendWhich one of the following is NOT an advantage ofWhich one of the following is a criticism of equatThe DuPont equation shows that a firm's ROE is detWhich one of the following statements is NOT correFor a firm that has both debt and equity,For a firm that has no debt in its capital structuCoverage ratios, like times interest earned and caWhich one of the following statements is NOT correIf firm A has a higher debt-to-equity ratio than fWhich one of the following statements is correct?Which one of the following statements is NOT true?All but one of the following is true about the invAll else being equal, which one of the following wWhich one of the following does NOT change a firm'All but one of the following is true about quick rWhich of the following is NOT true of liquidity raWhich of the following is true of ratio analysis?Which of the following is NOT true of liquidity raCommon-size financial statements:All but one of the following is true of common-sizAll but one of the following is true of common-sizAn individual analyzing a firm's financial statemeAnyone analyzing a firm's financial statements shoA firm's management analyzes financial statement'sThe creditors of a firm analyze financial statemenShareholders analyze financial statements in orderFinancial statements can be analyzed from the follIn order to calculate bond premium or discount, yoTrue or False? - The allowance method is requiredWhich payroll taxes is withheld from an employee'sTrue or False? - Interest Rates are generally exprTrue or False? - If you Issue a bond at a premium,What is the formula to calculate basic interest?One way to reduce indoor air pollution in developeAccording to environmental scientists, all of theAccording to a 2007 EPA report, between 1980 and 2National ambient air quality standardsHow many people are thought to die prematurely becIn the United States, how many people get cancer fThe people least vulnerable to air pollution areIn 1988, the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recoOn average, radon levels should be monitored contiRadioactive ____ is a product of uranium decay andRespiratory illnesses in developing countries areExposure to indoor formaldehyde pollution is leastFurniture stuffing, paneling, particle board, andAll of the following are on EPA's "four most dangeSick Building Syndrome is linked to all of the folOf the following, the least vulnerable to air pollExperts rate indoor air pollution as aOf the following strategies to reduce acid depositApproximately ___ % of China's cropland suffers frAcid deposition has been linked toIn general, acid deposition has harmful effects foExperts rate acid rain as aAcid deposition is best classified as aTypical rain in the eastern United States has a pHAcid deposition is properly defined as the ____ deA temperature inversion is the result ofWhich of the following statements is true?Which of the following would not be a factor thatGray-air smog comes from suspended particles ofPrimary pollutants from burning coal include all oPhotochemical smog is characteristic of urban areaPhotochemical smog is formed when primary pollutanHarmful chemicals emitted directly into the air frAn email contract isInferior performance is:Big High Drug Store contracts to hire Anna Sue asSqueegie, 17 years old, buys a car for $20,000.00Generally, Consideration must be:Jenna saw a vase in a store. A tag on the vase saiWhich of the following statements concerning the eCitiBank makes a mistake at an auction which costsThe City announces a plan to build a multimillionSara and Jesse are getting married. They discuss aAn award of __________ performance orders the breaAlpha Nu Theta verbally orders $3.500.00 of screenAccording to Mr. Cochran, courts do not enforce "gA __________ is a person who agrees to pay a debtYou contract with the Outhouse Mice to perform 3 sYou contract to rent a room at the inn for 2 monthWhen a client accepts the services of an accountanAn oral contract for the sale of land is:Jack and Jill were discussing business over lunchIf a contract requires the occurrence of an eventConsists of who (sender) communicates what (messagOccurs when there is positive verbal and negative____ is sharing meaning with others without usingWhen you assume that everyone in your group has thWords are ______, so meaning is not contained in w____ are representations of referents - whatever t____ is a structured system of symbols for sharing______ is a process because changes in events and(Dimension) Refers to how messages define or redefDimension) Refers to the information transmitted.__ as a transaction also means that all parties in____ is a transaction. Each person is both a sendeThis may influence us to view competent communicatThe I-Knew-It-Already tendency.Without understanding the complexities of the _________ is a tool that can be used to help solve mosGroups whose members are connected by electronic tWhat injury can occur when the neck undergoes suddSprains occur in what type of tissue?What musculoskeletal problem causes the most absenWhich of the following contributes to increased spSpinal relaxation phenomenon explains what?What is the dominant force on the spine during actWhat type of articulation occurs between the bodieAttachment to the ribs limits range of motion in wIn anatomical position, where is the center of graWhat action(s) do posterior trunk muscles cause whWhich abdominal muscles cause rotation to the leftAnterior pelvic tilt facilitates what type of spinWhich type of exaggerated curve is often caused byLateral deviations in spinal curvature are calledWhat is the enlarged cervical portion of the supraWhat causes the pumping action (influx and outfluxWhat is the most common type of spinal loading durThe most superior cervical vertebrae is called whaUnusually high incidences of pars interarticularisWhat is the most common type of vertebral fractureWhich of the following are potential consequencesTransverse or spinous process fractures may resultA typical geriatric disc has a fluid content thatWhat joint is usually the culprit in low back painWhat is the result when part of the nucleus pulposThe rectus abdominis causes flexion when contracteLack of flexibility in which of the following muscThe sacral region of the spine is fused to which oWhat type of joint occurs between the superior andWhich vertebrae are the largest?The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae inThe articulations between adjacent vertebral bodieThe condition of exaggerated thoracic curvature isWhich of the following is not true about lordosis?Which of the following spinal curves are referredWhich of the following spinal curves are referredWhich statement is not true about the intervertebrWhich of the following helps the spine absorb shocWhich part of the vertebrae bears the most weight?Which of the following vertebral regions has the bMovement of the spine occurs in which plane(s)?What is the anatomical name for the big toe?Which of the following does not attach to the calcSymptoms of plantar fasciitis include which of theDuring walking, which of the following actions isThe strong layer of fibrous tissue which covers thWhich of the following does not bear weight?Patellofemoral pain syndrome is likely associatedRunner's knee is associated with which of the follWhich of the following statements is true regardinWhich of the following statements is true regardinThe medial and lateral collateral ligaments limitWhat is the largest and most complex joint in theWhich of the following causes hip abduction?Which of the following causes hip adduction?Where is the weakest point of the femur?Which of the following characterizes a "bow-leggedWhich of the following is the most typical cause oFractures in the ankle region occur most often toWhich of the following is/are nonaxial joint(s)?Which of the following is the most common of all kWhich of the following statements is/are true?Which of the following conditions must be met forFor a buy-side banker advising its client, all ofThe buy-side adviser typically uses the financialWhich group within investment banking typically moHow long does a typical auction process take fromWhich group within investment banking typically moProfessionals from which of the following investmeIn preparing marketing materials for an M&A sale pAll of the following potential issues are typicallTraditionally, who among the following provides aIn an M&A transaction, how does the use of a meaniAll of the following due diligence findings mightWhich group within investment banking typically moBuy-side advisers are typically chosen on the basiHow long does a two-step merger typically take?Which section of the merger proxy details how theWhich two of the following situations increase theBuyers typically expect to meet all of the followiWhich of the following typically has the highest bWhich of the following play a lead role in craftinWhen an investment bank renders a fairness opinionWho typically provides the stapled financing in aWhich two investment banking groups communicate coWhich of the following documents is most importantWhich two of the following engagement letter proviWhich two of the following are examples of outs asIn which two of the following scenarios might a buWhat does a "one-step" merger refer to?Which two of the following are key marketing pointBuy-side advisers are granted access to the data rSynergies directly affect the calculations for whiWhy do buyers hire an investment bank? I. To deteHow many bidders are typically accepted into the sA buy-side adviser would need to analyze which ofAn effective buy-side adviser may argue for all ofWho typically makes a recommendation to the clientAn effective buy-side adviser may use all of the fWhich of the following participants in an M&A tranThe buy-side adviser's financial model typically cAll of the following are common M&A strategies useHow often do investment banking industry bankers,Which of the following are typical buyer concernsAt what point in an M&A sale process is an onlineAll of the following are key frames of reference fWhat is the typical investment time horizon for stIn the event the sell-side adviser is providing aInvestment bankers communicate internally with colHow many potential buyers are typically contactedA public company wishes to communicate with an anaAt which stage of an M&A sale process are biddersFollowing SEC approval of the merger proxy disclosWhy might a seller prefer an asset sale to a stockWhich two of the following opportunities are typicIn an M&A sales, which of the following are typicaWhich two of the following traditionally help buyeA buyer's final bid package is expected to includeWhich two of the following typically take the leadAll of the following are reasons why acquirers speThe buy-side adviser uses all of the following tacWhy do public strategic bidders typically performAs a closing condition, to what extent must a giveTarget company shareholder approval for an M&A traHow many potential buyers are typically contactedHow is the sharing of sensitive due diligence infoAll of the following resources outside of the targAll of the following due diligence findings mightWhich two of the following does the buy-side advisProfessionals from which of the following investmeWhich of the following participants plays the centIn an M&A deal purchasing synergies refer toInvestment bankers work internally with colleaguesAll of the following is non-financial deal data thThe sell-side adviser's key responsibilities for cFor a buy-side banker advising its client, which oAll of the following are typically members of theWhich of the following are lawyers most sensitiveWhich two of the following does the buy-side advisHow much time are buyers typically afforded to subAt which point in the M&A process does the sell-siAll of the following are fair statements regardingAll of the following are ways in which indemnificaWhich of the following buy-side due diligence discWhich of the following is a legally binding contraWithin the context of M&A processes, what does a nThe typical CIM contains all of the following EXCEUnder what circumstances can a buyer withdraw fromAll of the following are typically included in theIn which case would a buyer perform accretion/diluHow many rounds does a typical auction process conApproximately how long are prospective buyers giveWhy do sellers hire an investment bank? I. DesignWhich two of the following are often heavily negotWhich of the following are key components of the sHow many bidders are typically invited to the secoWhich two of the following do buyers typically plaAt what stage in the M&A process do buyers start tAll of the following are typically provided accessHow many potential buyers are typically contactedInvestment banks help client companies assess allFor the sale of a sizeable business, who typicallyHow many pages is a typical M&A Confidential InforPost Carotid Endarterectomy on ward, patient seizeCHADS2 score. Which is not a feature?Cephalothin doesn't cover:Best position for IABP is 1-2 cm:Atrial septal defect, where is the murmur heard thSevere asthma attack. Given continuous nebs & IV hA man is working with electrical appliances at homEndocarditis prophylaxis in patient with MVR approA child with intra-operative blood loss. A cardiacWhen instructing ward staff on monitoring for respA pregnant lady is undergoing neuroradiological coEssential diagnostic criteria on ECG for LBBBThe features of Pierre Robin sequence include clefSystemic Vascular resistance index (SVRI) is equalA diagnostic test has a sensitivity of 90% and a sIf a patient experiences parasthesia in the littleAn indication for NON-operative management of blunWhat drug should NOT be used for tocolysis in 32/4Recognised weaknesses of systematic reviews includPreoperative assessment shows a Mallampati (ML) scIn infants with congenital pyloric stenosisThe nerve supplying area of skin between greater tWhat is NOT a contraindication to MRI?Penetrating injury to chest. What part of the hearHow long prior to a spinal anaesthetic should dabiDay 4 epidural. On 40 mg SC enoxeparin daily postoPreoperative autologous blood donation results inEpidural block to T2 causes all of the following EIn what proportion of people is the AV node suppliBowel surgery patient. Best method for intraoperatWhat percentage of primiparous women experience aEstimate GCS post head-trauma. E - Response to paiDuring scoliosis surgery with monitoring of somatoDuring prolonged trendelenburg positioning there iA patient is having an electrophysiological studyWhen do most patients with SAH rebleed?Acute visual loss after non-ocular surgery is mostA 29 year old female undergoes craniotomy for postWhich type of aortic dissection is typically managPulsus paradoxus in constrictive pericarditis:A male patient has a haemoglobin of 8g/dL and retiInverted P waves in lead II may be caused by?With regard to Digoxin toxicity which of the follocTnI remains elevated for up to?Abnormal Q waves are NOT a feature of the ECG in75 year old with non-valvular AF usually on warfarAt what valve area do you begin to get symptoms, aAll of the following may be associated with ulceraThe presence of small bubbles of air in an invasivPhotograph of an Arndt endobronchial blocker. OrifA Full Size C oxygen cylinder has pressure downregWhite cylinder with grey shoulder?You are doing an awake fibreoptic intubation and hWhich is NOT a disadvantage of drawover vaporiserDesflurane vaporiser, heated because of75 year old male with normal renal function for anWhat antibiotics are required for bacterial endocaEndocarditis prophylaxis is appropriate in?The most commonly reported cause of awareness duriIndicator in sodalime?Most common cause of mortality post transfusion?Emergency caesarean section for foetal distress (aApnoeic oxygenation in obese patient can be increaBest single predictor of difficult intubation in oHalf-life of mast cell tryptase?A 62 year old man has chronic renal failure. You nIron deficiencyA 60 year old man 24 hours post CABG is confused,After coronary artery bypass graft surgery, the FRAdvantages of off-pump CABG over on-pump CABGWhen intubating over a bougie / awake fibreoptic,When stimulating the ulnar nerve with a nerve stimThe commonest initial presenting feature in anaphyThe percentage of the population which is heterozyTo achieve maximum anaesthesia with minimal risk oThe most frequently reported clinical sign in maliPreoperative assessment shows a malampati (ML) scoBlunt liver trauma can be treated non surgically iPre eclamptic patient post LSCS continue on Mg infRespiratory function in quadriplegics is improvedA patient with severe COPD on home oxygen is havinThe carotid sinus derives its nerve supply from thWhat nerve supplies sensation to the larynx aboveA nulliparous woman in labour for 8 hours with epiIn the management of torsades de pointes (polymorpBest indicator of return function of laryngeal musIndicates autonomic neuropathy exceptMost likely change on CTG with anaesthesia for nonWhat do C6/7 motor function doBaby with Tracheo-oesophageal fistula found by bubSuxamethonium dosage higher in neonates compare toThe cause of hypoxia in one lung ventilationA patient with pulmonary hypertension secondary toTracheo-oesophageal Fistula (TOF)Young pregnant patient with moderate mitral stenosSystemic vascular resistance index (SVRI) is calcuAn 18 yo with Fontan circulation undergoing explorWhich patients do not get pulmonary hypertensionPregnant woman presents with narrow complex tachycIn pregnancy the dural sac ends at:The financial and economic collapse of 1857 increaIn the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme CourtThe election of 1856 was most noteworthy forCongressman Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles SuThe fanatical abolitionist John Brown made his firAs submitted to Congress, the Lecompton ConstitutiSoutherners were especially enraged by abolitionisHinton R. Helper's The Impending Crisis of the SouHarriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's CabinNortherners especially resented Douglas's Kansas-NThe Gadsden Purchase was fundamentally designed toThe primary goal of the Treaty of Kanagawa , whichSoutherners seeking to expand the territory of slaThe conflict over slavery following the election oThe most significant effect of the Fugitive SlaveThe greatest winner in the Compromise of 1850 wasUnder the terms of the Compromise of 1850It appeared that the Compromise of 1850 would failSenator Daniel Webster's fundamental view regardinSoutherners hated the Underground Railroad and demThe proposed direct admission of California into tRapid formation of an effective state government iIn the election of 1848, the response of the WhigPopular sovereignty was the idea thatThe transcendentalist writers such as Emerson, ThoThe Knickerbocker Group of American writers includTwo leading female imaginative writers who added lMany of the American utopian experiments of the eaBesides the hostility and ridicule it suffered froOne primary cause of women's subordination in nineReformer Dorothea Dix worked for the cause ofThe major promoter of an effective tax-supported sBesides their practice of polygamy, the Mormons arThe major effect of the growing slavery controversThe term Burned-Over District refers toEvangelical preachers like Charles Grandison FinneWhich of the following was not characteristic of tTwo denominations that became the dominant faithsThe tendency toward rationalism and indifference iBy the 1850s, most northerners could be describedThe northern political leader who successfully defThe last open debate inside the South regarding prFrederick Douglass and some other black and whiteMost of the early abolitionists were motivated byThe African American family under slavery wasMost slave owners treated their slaves asOne major consequence of the outlawing of the inteThe condition of the 500,000 or so free blacks wasThe only group of white southerners who hated bothEven though they owned no slaves, most southern whMost southern slave owners heldWhich of the following was not characteristic of tA large portion of the profits from the South's coBy 1840, cotton had become central to the whole AmThe real significance of William Henry Harrison'sProminent leaders of the Whig party includedThe Panic of 1837 and the subsequent severe depresIn the immediate aftermath of the successful TexasAmong the political innovations that first appeareOne important result of President Jackson's destruJackson's veto of the Bank of the United States reIn promoting his policy of Indian removal, PresideSome southeastern Indian tribes like the CherokeesUnder the surface of the South's strong oppositionAndrew Jackson's fundamental approach during the SOne political development that demonstrated the poAndrew Jackson's strong appeal to the common peoplWhich of the following was not among the factors tThe Jacksonian charge that John Quincy Adams won tThe immediate effect of the Monroe Doctrine at theAs proclaimed by Monroe in his message of 1823, thThe original impetus for declaring the Monroe DoctAndrew Jackson's invasion of Florida led to permanOne of the key components of the sectional MissourIn the case of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, JohnBesides admitting Missouri as a slave state and MaThe new nationalistic feeling right after the WarThe Era of Good Feelings was sharply disrupted byOne significant international consequence of the WOne significant domestic consequence of the War ofThe terms of the Treaty of Ghent ending the War ofEven though the victory in the Battle of New OrleaTwo prominent American military heroes during theThe greatest American military successes of the WaThe Federalists essentially believed thatThomas Jefferson and the Republican Party essentiaThe United States became involved in an undeclaredGeorge Washington's successor, John Adams, was polIn the 1790s, the powerful Miami Indians led by LiPresident Washington's foreign policy rested on thRegarding the French Revolution, most JeffersonianThe Whiskey Rebellion proved to be most significanThe first American political parties developed priHamilton's first financial policies were intendedThe Ninth and Tenth Amendments partly reversed theThe Bill of Rights is the name given to provisionsThe influential Founder and member of Congress whoA key addition to the new federal government thatThe crucial Federalist successes in the fight forAnti-federalists generally found their greatest suWhich one of the following combinations cannot proWhat is the pH of a solution containing aqueous amWhat is the pH of a solution that is 0.30 M in aniWhat is the pH of a solution that is 0.080 M in aqWhat is the [H3O+] of a solution that is 0.010 M iA solution that is 0.20 M in NH3 is also 0.30 M inWhat is the pH of an aqueous solution containing CA solution is made by combining 500 mL of 0.10 M HCalculate the pH of 500. mL of 0.100 M acetic acidWhat is the pH of a 0.22 M HOCN solution containinWhat is the pH of a solution that is 0.20 M in HCNWhat is the pH of a solution which is 0.0400 M inCalculate the pH of a solution that is 0.15 M in HCalculate the pH of a solution that is 0.20 M in sCalculate the [H3O+] of a solution that is 0.20 MWhat is the [H3O+] of a solution that is 0.0100 MThe pH of a 0.03 M formic acid (HCOOH) solution isWhen a solution of weak electrolyte is altered byA(n) ____ solution contains a conjugate acid-baseAt 0.50 atm and 60K, F2 is a:What is the normal boiling point temperature of F2The densest phase of F2 is aWhat is the densest phase for nitrogen?At what temperature and pressure do the three phasWhat is the normal melting point for nitrogen?An unknown substance was found to have a melting pAn unknown white solid was found to have a meltingBoth solid and liquid CCl4 are molecular in natureWhen X-rays with ? = 193.7 pm are used, the secondShown below is the unit cell for sodium chloride.As iron is heated to 1181K, it adopts one type ofThe metal niobium crystallizes in a body-centeredA certain compound is formed by directional covaleYou have a white, crystalline solid which melts atYou have a white, crystalline solid which has a meThe electron sea model explains ______.Identify the line segment on the above diagram wheIdentify the line segment on the diagram below wheIdentify the line segment on the diagram below wheCalculate the amount of energy required to melt aThe vapor pressure of liquid iron is 400mmHg at 28Choose the statement which best explains why the bWhich of the above would you predict to have the hWhat is the normal boiling point of methanol?Which of the compounds above has the strongest intAt 10.0oC, the vapor pressure of nitric acid is 26How much energy is given off when 55.0g of steam aWhich of the following compounds has a boiling poiWhich of the following compounds would have the hiWhat is the strongest type of interparticle forceWhat is the simplest formula of the compound repreThe metal potassium crystallizes in a body-centereStrontium crystallizes in a face-centered cubic laThe metal lead crystallizes in a face-centered cubThe space-filling representation provided below isWhich of the following statements concerning the aHow much heat is released at constant pressure ifWhich of the following involves a change in temperElements that have their highest energy electronsThe electrical conductivity of a metal ____ with iWhich one of the following elements is consideredWhich one of the following elements is consideredThe conduction band of magnesium is thought to resIn the metallic bonding of Na, the conduction bandConsider the metallic bonding in lithium. The inteAn unknown metal crystallized in the hexagonal cloIn ideal close-packed structures of metallic solidThe density of palladium is 12.0 g/cm3. The unit cMetallic calcium crystallized in a face-centered cMetallic calcium crystallized in a face-centered cWhat is the coordination number for each sphere (mFor crystal structures that contain only one kindFor crystal structures that contain only one kindWhich of the following solids could be described iArrange the following in order of increasing meltiArrange the following in order of increasing meltiArrange the following in order of increasing meltiArrange the following ionic compounds in order ofWhich of the following solid compounds has the higWhich of the following compounds would be expectedWhich one of the following melts at the lowest temSubstances have properties that are related to theSubstances have properties that are related to theWhich one of the following pairs is incorrectly maWhich one of the following pairs is incorrectly maWhich one of the following substances is incorrectWhich of the following in the solid state would beWhich of the following, in the solid state, wouldWhich one of the following crystallizes in a metalWhich one of the following is a molecular solid?Which one of the following is classified as a covaWhich type of solid is expected for Ga?Which type of solid is expected for SO2?Which one of the following is a metallic solid?Which one of the following is an ionic solid?Which one of the following is a covalent solid?Which one of the following is not a general properWhich one of the following statements is not appliWhich one of the following statements is not appliWhich one of the following statements is not appliThe ability of a central bank to set monetary poliInstrument independence is the ability of ________Subject to the approval of the Board of Governors,The Federal Open Market Committee's "balance of riThe Federal Open Market Committee's "balance of riThe teal book is the Fed research document containThe research document given to the Federal Open MaAlthough neither ________ nor the ________ are offEach Fed bank president attends FOMC meetings; altThe majority of members of the Federal Open MarketThe Federal Open Market Committee consists of theThe Federal Reserve entity that makes decisions reThe Federal Open Market Committee usually meets __Which of the followings is not a current duty of tWhich of the followings is a duty of the Board ofWhich of the followings is a duty of the Board ofWhile the discount rate is "established" by the reEach governor on the Board of Governors can serveThe Chairman of the Board of Governors is chosen fMembers of the Board of Governors areThere are ________ members of the Board of GovernoThe Depository Institutions Deregulation and MonetBanks subject to reserve requirements set by the FThe Fed's support of the Depository Institutions DPrior to 1980, member banks left the Federal ReserOf all commercial banks, about ________ percent beAll ________ are required to be members of the FedWhich of the following functions is not performedAn important function of the regional Federal ReseThe president from which Federal Reserve Bank alwaThe Federal Reserve Bank of ________ plays a speciMember commercial banks have purchased stock in thThe nine directors of the Federal Reserve Banks arEach Federal Reserve bank has nine directors. Of tThe Federal Reserve Banks are ________ institutionThe three largest Federal Reserve banks (New York,Which of the following is an entity of the FederalWhich of the following is NOT an entity of the FedWhat makes the Federal Reserve so unique comparedThe financial panic of 1907 resulted in such widesThe public's fear of centralized power and distrusThe Second Bank of the United StatesThe First Bank of the United StatesThe M2 money supply is represented byIn the model of the money supply process for M2, tThe increase in the currency ratio during World WaThe factor accounting for the steepest rise in theThe steepest increase in the currency ratio sinceThe increase in the availability of ATM's has causEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in wealPart of the increase in currency holdings in the 1Factors causing an increase in currency holdings iEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, a decrease in the cEverything else held constant, an increase in theThe M2 money multiplier isThe equation that represents M2 in the model of thSuppose the Bank of China permanently decreases itSuppose, while cleaning out its closets, a workerAn increase in which of the following leads to a dU.S. Treasury deposits at the Fed are ________ forAn increase in U.S. Treasury deposits at the Fed rAn increase in Treasury deposits at the Fed causesA Fed purchase of gold, SDRs, a deposit denominateWhen the Fed purchases artwork to decorate the conWhich of the following are not liabilities on theWhich of the following are not assets on the Fed'sWhen the Treasury acquires gold or SDRs, it issuesSpecial Drawing Rights (SDRs) are issued to governThe volume of loans that the Fed makes to banks isFed's holdings of securities consist primarily ofThe two most important categories of assets on theWhich is the most important category of Fed assetsDuring the 2007-2009 financial crisis the excess rDuring the 2007-2009 financial crisis the currencyIn the early 1930s, the currency ratio rose, as diDuring the bank panics of the Great Depression theDuring the bank panics of the Great Depression theRecognizing the distinction between borrowed reserThe money multiplier isThe money supply is ________ related to expected dThe excess reserves ratio is ________ related to eEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, a decrease in the eEverything else held constant, a decrease in the cEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, a decrease in the cEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, a decrease in the rEverything else held constant, an increase in theEverything else held constant, a decrease in the rThe formula for the M1 money multiplier isWhen the Federal Reserve extends a discount loan tAll else the same, when the Fed calls in a $100 diWhen the Fed extends a $100 discount loan to the FWhen a member of the nonbank public deposits curreWhen a member of the nonbank public withdraws currFor which of the following is the change in reservIf a member of the nonbank public purchases a goveIf a member of the nonbank public sells a governmeWhen an individual sells a $100 bond to the Fed, sThe effect of an open market purchase on reservesThe effect of an open market purchase on reservesIf a person selling bonds to the Fed cashes the FeWhen the Fed sells $100 worth of bonds to First NaWhen the Fed buys $100 worth of bonds from First NWhen the Federal Reserve sells a government bond tWhen the Federal Reserve purchases a government boPurchases and sales of government securities by thHigh-powered money minus currency in circulation eHigh-powered money minus reserves equalsThe monetary base minus reserves equalsThe monetary base minus currency in circulation eqWhen banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve,The interest rate the Fed charges banks borrowingThe percentage of deposits that banks must hold inThe amount of deposits that banks must hold in resTotal Reserves minus vault cash equalsExcess reserves are equal toTotal reserves are the sum of ________ and _______Reserves are equal to the sum ofTotal reserves minus bank deposits with the Fed eqThe monetary base consists ofThe sum of the Fed's monetary liabilities and theBoth ________ and ________ are monetary liabilitieThe monetary liabilities of the Federal Reserve inBoth ________ and ________ are Federal Reserve assOf the three players in the money supply process,The three players in the money supply process inclIndividuals that lend funds to a bank by opening aThe government agency that oversees the banking syThe Federal Reserve ________ pay interest on reserThe equivalent to the Federal Reserve's discount rWhen the European System of Central Banks uses lonWhen the European System of Central Banks uses maiThe European System of Central Banks signals the sThe purpose of the commitment by the Fed to keep tWhich of the following monetary policy tools is moFrom before the financial crisis began in SeptembeFrom before the financial crisis began in SeptembeWhen the Fed wants to raise interest rates after bThe policy tool of changing reserve requirements iFunds held in ________ are subject to reserve requSince 1980, ________ are subject to reserve requirThe Federal Reserve has had the authority to varyA decrease in ________ increases the money supplyAn increase in ________ reduces the money supply sThe most important advantage of discount policy isThe Fed's lender-of-last-resort functionThe facility that was created in December of 2007A financial panic was averted in October 1987 follMuch of the credit for prevention of a financial mAt its inception, the Federal Reserve was intendedThe Fed is considering eliminatingThe interest rate on seasonal credit equalsThe interest rate for primary credit is usually seThe interest rate on secondary credit is set _____The discount rate refers to the interest rate onThe Fed prefers that so thatThe discount rate is kept ________ the federal funThe discount rate is kept ________ the federal funThe Fed's discount lending is of three types: ____The most common type of discount lending, ________The most common type of discount lending that theSuppose on any given day there is an excess demandThe Federal Reserve will engage in a matched sale-The Fed can offset the effects of an increase in fIf the Fed wants to temporarily inject reserves inThe Federal Reserve will engage in a repurchase agIf the banking system has a large amount of reservIf the Fed expects currency holdings to fall, it cIf the Fed expects currency holdings to rise, it cIf Treasury deposits at the Fed are predicted to _If Treasury deposits at the Fed are predicted to fIf Treasury deposits at the Fed are predicted to _If Treasury deposits at the Fed are predicted to iIf float is predicted to increase because of bad wWhen good weather speeds the check-clearing procesWhen bad storms slow the check-clearing process, fWhen good weather speeds the check-clearing procesWhen bad storms slow the check-clearing process, fIf float is predicted to decrease because of unseaThe actual execution of open market operations isThe Federal Open Market Committee makes the Fed'sOpen market operations intended to offset movementThere are two types of open market operations: ___The two types of open market operations areEverything else held constant, in the market for rEverything else held constant, in the market for rEverything else held constant, in the market for rEverything else held constant, in the market for rEverything else held constant, in the market for rA monopolist with constant marginal costs faces aFor a monopolist who faces a downward-sloping demaIf the interest rate is 10%, a monopolist will choThe market for a good is in equilibrium when the gIf there are constant returns to scale in a competIt is possible to have an industry in which all fiA competitive firm has a continuous marginal costMr. O Carr has the cost function c(y) =y^2 + 64 ifA firm faces competitive markets both for its inpuThe area under the marginal cost curve measures toIf a competitive firm uses two inputs and has theThe average variable cost curve must always be U-sA firm uses a single variable input x to produce oA competitive, cost-minimizing firm has the producIn the long-run, if there are increasing returns tA firm produces one output with one input and hasIf the value of the marginal product of factor x iIf there is one input used in production and if thIf the production function is f(x, y) = min(12x, 3The economist's distinction between the long run aIf the demand curve is a linear function of price,If there is Cobb-Douglas utility, compensating andIf preferences are homothetic, then the slope of tFiery Demon is a rotgut whisky made in Kentucky. SThe utility function U(x1, x2) = 2lnx1 + 3lnx2, reAngela's utility function is U(x1, x2) = (x1 + x2)With quasilinear preferences, the slope of indiffeIf the elasticity of demand curve for buckwheat isIf the demand function is q = 3m/p, where m is incIf there is a price increase for a good that SusanConsumer's surplus is another name for excess demaIf preferences are homothetic and all prices doublIf preferences are quasilinear, then for very highCharlie's utility function is U(x,y) = xy^2. His mAt a boundary optimum, a consumer's indifference cIf Melody has more classical records than rock andNancy's psychology teacher will giver her a courseIf preferences are transitive, more is always prefA decrease in income pivots the budget line aroundIf all prices are doubled and money is left the saAn airline has exclusive landing rights at the locA monopolistic receives a subsidy from the governmImagine first a drug dealer working in a competitiA competitive firm uses two variable factors to prThe production function of a competitive firm is dThe following relationship must hold between the aAs assistant vice president in charge of productioA firm has a fixed costs of $2,000. Its short-runA competitive firm's production function is f (x,A profit-maximizing competitive firm uses just oneA firm has a production function f (x, y) = 1.80(xSuppose that the production function is f (x, y) =At a large institution of higher learning, the demAmbrose's brother Sebastian has a utility functionIsabella's utility function is U (x, y) = 4 min{x,The inverse demand function for grapes is describeReginald is fond of cigars. His utility function iKatie Kwasi's utility function is U (x1, x2) = 2(lMs. Laura Mussel's preferences between gold and teMary Granola consumes tomatoes and nectarines. MarIf there are only two goods, if more of good 1 isIf we graph Mary Granola indifference curves withAmbrose has indifference curves represented by theIn Problem 2, Ambrose has indifference curves withThe curvature of an economy's production possibiliWhich of the following will cause an inward shiftIf prices are held above the equilibrium price:Without any restrictions in a perfectly competitivWhen existing firms leave a perfectly competitiveWhen positive economic profits exist in an industrThe entry of new firms into a perfectly competitivIf price is greater than the average variable costWhen two firms in a perfectly competitive market sA seller is willing to sell 5 units of a good at aGraphically, producer surplus is the:A firm should shut down in the short run if the prIf the price elasticity of supply of a good is 2,Willingness to pay:If quantity of milk is measured on the horizontalA change in the slope of a budget constraint indicAn optimizing consumer makes her purchase decisionJohn is a seller in an independent private‐valuesA risk‐neutral individual would:Which of the following is a means of eliminating tWhich of the following phenomena shows that risk a___ occurs when people smoke more after buying lifIf you advertise and your rival advertises, you eaWhich of the following conditions are necessary foWhen firms in an industry are maximizing profits,In a competitive industry with identical firms, loSuppose you read in an industry publication that tMonopolistic competition is characterized byA local telephone company charges $.10/min. basedAn industry consists of six firms with annual saleIn perfect competition, which is not true?The long‐run is defined asIf the cross‐price elasticity between good X & Y iYou are the manager of a popular hat company. YouEach week Bill buys exactly 7 bottles of cola regaWhen the own price elasticity of good X is ‐3.5 thA dictionary definition would be an example ofWhich one of the sins of memory probably helps usRemembering names is usually harder than rememberiWhich part of long-term memory stores autobiographWhen you get a new cat, you will note her unique mAs you study the vocabulary in this book, which meAn implicit memory may be activated by priming, anWhich kind of forgetting is involved when the sociWhich one of the following lists represents a concA math problem calls for finding the area of a triH.M.'s ______-memory was more profoundly affectedWhich of the following utterances illustrates overBecause you watch a lot of violent videos, you thiWhich of the following is not a characteristic thaNoam Chomsky has presented evidence supporting hisWhich one of the seven "sins" of memory is disputeWhich one of the following statements best describA person experience the TOT phenomenon is unable tIn order to get material into permanent storage, iWhich of the following are the three essential tasWhich one of the following is Not an artificial coThe sensory register for vision is called ______ m___ are clusters of knowledge that provide generalA guitarist uses ______ to recall how to play theAn algorithm would not be the best strategy when tUsually about 500 people attend the annual exquisiA person who uses a drop of superglue to seal a paIn studies that were completed regarding students'Blocking refers to the situation in which competinAnother term for eidetic imagery isThe physical changes that are associated with memoGetting information out of memory is known asIf you are unable to remember the name of your secAfter the outcome is known, people often have distThe reason it may be difficult to remember how manThe capacity of working memory is about ______ iteHow long does sensory memory generally last?To remember the five Great Lakes, you might remembA(n) ______ is a cognitive representation of a phyThe fact that taste aversions ______ poses a problIf you were going to use Bandura's findings in devOperant conditioning, in contrast with classical cMuch of B.F. Skinner's early work was inspired byAfter having some bad barbecue pork in the cafeterThe notion that learning produces physical changesBurt had never been afraid of spiders. but at campResearch regarding the learning styles have foundA punisher ______ the probability of a response whWhich of the following would be most likely to beIf you learned to fear electrical outlets after geJust has cancer and is receiving chemotherapy at aYour family goes on a fishing trip for vacation. WDamage to neurons within the ______ that use the tA dog rattles a chain by the door to indicate thatInsight learning involvesYou had an intense fear of high spaces and were asIn deciding whether there is a fire in your classrIntermittent reinforcement is particularly effectiNegative punishment is sometimes referred to as __What was the objection by Watson and other behavioAll of the following are related to our circadianAn altered state of consciousness occurs when someWhich of the following is not one of the functionsWhich of the following symptoms suggests the preseSuppose that you are working in a sleep laboratoryWhich of the following drugs would be most likelyPsychology has verified that meditation can be useWhich one of the following is a sleep disorder chaWhich one of the following did Freud believe to beWhich of the following groups of drugs have the opConsciousness changes in cycles that normally corrWhich of the following statements about hypnosis iPsychoactive drugs usually create their effects byAccording to the activation-synthesis theory, dreaRapid eye movements are reliable behavioral signsThree major effects sought by users of ______ areImaging techniques, such as MRI and PET scans, allHypnosis is sometimes used by psychological researWhich statement is true about daydreaming?Suppose you wanted to sample the contents of precoAccording to cognitive neuroscience,Who objected most strenuously to defining psycholoLuisa agrees to look after her friend's' new babyWhich one of the following is the only sense thatWhich one of the following is most commonly experiResearch has shown that cultural factors can influAlthough the markings in the ceiling tiles are ofThe Gestalt theory proposes that many of our perceWhat do all of these forms of sensation have in coThe frequency theory best explains _______ sounds,The eyes have two distinct types of photoreceptorsWhich of the following is a process that adds meanPlace theory argues that sounds of different frequThe tendency of adults from the mainland United StWhen two close friends are talking, other people mThe most complex and highly developed sense for huPlace the following in the correct order concerninA person who has the most common form of color bli__ is/are heavily influenced by an individual's exThe visual cortex is located within the_____ is the treatment provided by a physician toA ______ is a document that specifies the amount tA ______ is an electronic document that lists patiOnce locating claims and filters have been appliedThe document needed to enter charge transactions iA sworn in verbal testimony is calledWhat type of person must function under direct supDefine the Geneva convention ?Out of the 4 categories of employees list which twName the 3 branches of government ?City curfews fall under what type of law ?When the constitution guarantees citizens the righDefamation is what type of law ?Insurance fraud is what type of law ?What does private law consists of consists of ?What law does not deal with criminal law ?What law is large segment of criminal law ?What does federal jurisdiction refer to ?Name the care the requires a doctor to use ordinarWho is a defendant ?What are the first 10 amendments referred to asDefine Constitution ?Define Diversity Jurisdiction ?Define Partnership ?Name the code of ethics that is a result of WWII wA business that is owned by a single individual whLaws that are passed or regulated at a local levelWhat government branch enforces law?What is an updated guideline for human experimentaA set of morals standards of right/wrong behaviorsName the code of ethics that states a standard carA type of practice that has shared investments andDefine the controlled substance act ?What government branch enacts the laws ?What is known as pre-trial investigation ?What government branch interprets law ?Name the 4 categories of employees within a medicaName two types of liabilities ?What type of medical practice management is: a groName 5 code of ethics that a medical assistant wilWhat states the goals of a group in terms of how aName 3 types of group practice ?What code of ethic law allows for care of all ?When can the administrative procedure act make decWhat type of law is a conflict between the governmWhat type of consent is assumed based on fact or lThe right of a court to hear and decide a case isPertaining to court procedures who is the party thPertaining to court procedures who is the party thHow are drugs controlled ?Controlled substances are categorized into how manWhat does medical specialization enhance ?What branch of government enforces the law ?Out of the 4 categories of employees, what is theOut of the 4 categories of employees, what is thePrivate Law is also called ?Name four Criminal Liabilities ?T/F: registration and certification is voluntary,What are the four categories of employees? is liceWhat is bonding ?What is a joint venture?What is a major advantage of being part of a groupWhat two type of reimbursement do group practice oWhat is a group practice?What kind of medical group consist of licensed indWhat are some advantages vs. disadvantages of a paWhat kind of practice is an association of two orWhat are some advantages vs. disadvantages to soleIn medical practice management, a single practitioWhat 3 questions have been developed to aid in detWill medical specialization enhance the quality ofWhat is another term for "moral issues and problemWhat does the Medical Assistant Code of Ethics strWhy is the Nuremberg Code important in regards toWhat does the Geneva Convention entail?T/F: Professional code of ethics is established byWhat is the difference between Law and code of ethACA Stands forHITECH Stands forMMDDCCYY format Stands forEDI Stands forEOB Stands forNPI Stands forHIT Stands forEHR Stands forHIPAA Stands forRA Stands forPMPs Stands forPHR Stands forThe document explaining the results of the adjudicWhen a claim is received by a payer, it is revieweThe _____ regulates the protection of individuallyDefault time slots in Office Hours is inThe Office Hours calendar is used to _________._____ is a report that traces who has accessed patThe _______ protects individually identifiable infSecurity Standards consist of 3 categories _____Pre-registering patients is Step 1 in the BillingThe _________ contains a number of rules, includinStep 3 of the Billing Cycle is ________. This consWhat is a product sunset, and what is involved?What is a pre-requisite/co-requisite relationshipWhat is a problem priority level and what is it usExplain the customer problem arrival curve in termWhat is the estimated effort field on the change rWho is responsible for the Support FAQ database?List three customer support functions that a custoWhy do we need to have change control?Describe the steps involved when a customer probleWhat are the check-in and check-out activities inWhat is the storage and access model component ofIf the release number is part of the naming modelWhat is configuration management and why is a namiWhat are the four major activities that make up coIf the configuration management includes the traciDescribe the major difference between the “view” aList three concerns you may need to look into prioWhat is a software system build process?Describe the notion of “promotion” of artifacts usConsider the diagram shown in figure 10.8 of the tExplain the difference between Black-box testing aWhat is the difference between performance testingBriefly explain two different ways to decide whenList the four techniques discussed to perform veriDescribe the steps involved in a formal inspectionDescribe the steps involved in a formal inspectionBriefly explain the concept of static analysis andExplain how to start Black-box testing and discussDiscuss the difference in test cases using EquivalIn code inspection, what would you set as the condConsider the simple case of testing 2 variables, XList two techniques you can use to perform validatConsider the diagram shown in figure 10.8 of the tConsider the diagram shown in figure 10.8 of the tYou should choose longer names for local variablesYou should choose longer names for local variablesList the four phases of the debugging process, as___ is the act of transforming the detailed designA __ is a condition that your module requires inName some of the refactorings that Fowler discuses__ is a change made to the internal structure of sList at a few desirable characteristics of a goodList a few of the “code smells” Fowler provides asList a few of the types of code comments describedThe most important issues for maintaining a good cWhat are glue tokens and super glue tokens, and whWhat is software cohesion?What is fan-in and fan-out, and what attribute doWhat is software coupling?What is the Law of Demeter attempting to achieve?What is McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity number a) aWhat are the two general characteristics of a desiList four out of the eight rules of user interfaceWhat are the levels of coupling?What are the six design measurements of C-K metricWhat is a program slice?What are the general cohesion and coupling goals wIn contrast to general design, what is user interfWhat are the levels of cohesion?Explain how the Model-View-Controller architecturaWhat is the difference between low fidelity prototMention and describe three different views used inWhen we employ the technique of generalization inWhat does aggregation mean in OO? Give an example.Explain “Adding a course” from section 7.3.4 usingWhat is the difference between data modeling and lDiscuss Figure 7.26 with regard to the user’s inteList the four components of the GOMS model for useList two differences between the state transitionList at least four items that are included in theWhat additional skills and knowledge help a requirWhat are the six main dimensions of requirements tWhat is the Viewpoint-Oriented Requirements DefiniList and describe at a high level the steps involvList and describe three items that will need to beWhat are the three main items that must be plannedList at least 3 of the fundamental principles of eAccording to the Crystal family of methodologies,List the 4 values listed in the agile software manList characteristics of agile methods.During eXtreme Programming planning, technical staDuring eXtreme Programming planning, customers decList a at least 3 of the problems that may arise wList 3 of the core values of eXtreme ProgrammingList disadvantages of agile processes.In open source software, access to the source codeList at least 3 of the advantages of agile processWhat are the 4 phases of Rational Unified Process?How many process areas, in total, are included inDiscuss one advantage and one disadvantage of theWhat are the major concepts that drove the RationaGive an example of your morning routine as a waterIn a Spiral model, what are the four quadrants?What is the goal of a software process model?What is an entry and exit criteria to a process?List all of the key processes addressed by SEI’s C(Advanced analysis) The equation for the demand cuWhen the price of a product falls, the purchasingWhen the price of a product rises, consumers shiftThe income and substitution effects account for:I. No manager is a leader. II. All leaders are exeIncreased productivity necessary reflects greaterRight triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xyThat boy from the town was a __ in the sleepy vill(A) When the teacher eludes to different authors,Apparent lifelessness ___ dormant life.Tanya is older than Enc. Cliff is older than TanyaFive teams have to compete in a league, with everyWhich of the following are correct?Which of the following measures is likely to helpWhich of the following correct denotes to the DemaThe Republic Day of India commemorates the date on__ has recently become the first Indian state to aThe correct statement about Fundamental Rights areThe ‘Single Directive’, which required governmentTransparency International on 27 January 2016 releBastille Day’India has no policy of declassification of publicBank holidays under Section 25 of the Negotiable IWhich amongst the following is not term deposits iWho chairs the Joint Session of the two Houses ofScheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (PreventConsider a situation The Governor has sent a billShivnarine Chanderpaul who on 22 January 2016 annoActress Kalpana who died on 25 January 2016 was faWho has been conferred with the third edition of YA bill is a ‘Money Bill’ or not will be decided byTransparency International on 27 January 2016 relear, cs, et, ?President Pranab Mukherjee on 26 January 2016 apprPanchayati Raj system is based on the principle ofUnion Government has recently launched Sahaj SchemMaterials for rain proof coats and tents owe theirWho recently took charge as the Permanent RepresenWho among the following was the Chief Guest at 67tInternational Customs Day 2016 was observed acrossPAN number is required for all transactions aboveThe ____ log file contains information and error mLog files are typically stored in the ____ directoYou can restrict who can print to certain printersThe __ option to the lpstat command causes a listBy default, all print jobs have a priority ofThe lp command uses the ____ option to specify theTo see a list of all printers on the system and thTo send a print job to a printer, you must first uProcesses that have encountered an error during exThe __ can be used to affect the process priorityThe ?? kill signal is the default kill signal usedA value of 0 for a process priority indicates ?? pThe init daemon has a PID ofTo create or edit a user cron table, you can use tThe _ field in a cron table contains the absoluteTo display a list of at Job IDs, you can specify tProcesses are started with a nice value of ____ byWhen there are multiple background processes execuAfter a background process has been started, it caWhen killing a background job with the kill commanWhen you append a(n) _ to a command, the command iYou can execute _ main types of Linux commands.The _ kill signal terminates a process by taking tThe _ kill signal stops a process and then restartThere are _ different kill signals that the kill cThe _ option to the ps command displays all procesIn the output of the ps -l command, the ____ columTo display an entire list of processes across allA system process that is not associated with a terA(n) __ backup backs up only the data that has beeTo view the contents of a file that was compressedTraditionally, ?? were used to back up data.To decompress files that have been compressed withIf a compression utility compresses a file to 52%To remove a package from the system, you can use tThe _ command looks for a Makefile and uses the inMost Linux distributions today use ____ as their pYou can perform up to ____ different incremental bWhen using the cpio utility, the ____ option causeThe _ option can be used with the tar command to eWhen used with the tar utility, the ____ option caThe filename extension given to files compressed wThe _ option, when used with the gzip command, cauIf no level of compression is specified, the gzipWhen used with the uncompress command, the ____ opWhen used with the compress command, the ____ optiThe average compression ratio for gzip is _%.The _ command can be used to display the contentsWhen using the compress utility, each file is renaThe compression algorithm used by the compress utiWhich decision construct, can give you an unlimiteUsers can create their own custom variables, calleA case construct must be ended byThe _ command takes user input from stdin and placMost commands that are run by the shell are run inThe _ environment variable contains a list of direThe test statement _ would be used to determine ifThe _ escape sequence represents a form feed.If you have _ permission to a shell script, you caThe _ environment file is always executed immediatTo see a list of all exported environment and userThe _ command could be used to view the contents oTo see a list of the environment variables and theA CPA who has been engaged to audit financial statA CPA who has been engaged to audit financial statAn auditor has been asked to report on the balanceNon-accounting data included in a long-form reportAn accountant may accept an engagement to apply agWhich of the following is not an element of examinWhy do standards prohibit the general use of projeDebt compliance letters are ordinarily addressed tYou are a CPA retained by the manager of a cooperaThe title of a review report issued for a public cWhen an accountant performs more than one level ofWhich of the following procedures is not includedAn accountant who reviews the financial statementsAssurance provided by a review is substantially leStatements on Accounting and Review Services are iAn agreed-upon procedures engagement is one in whiGeneral use statements are prepared for use by ___Professional standards prohibit one of the followi__ are prospective financial statements that prese__ are prospective financial statements that preseA report on an examination is _______ as to the diWhich of the following is not one of the general tWhich of the following types of engagement reportsWhich of the following types of engagement reportsWhich of the following is not one of the types ofWhich of the following is not a standard containedAuditors frequently audit statements that were preReports on debt compliance and similar engagementsThe WebTrust service requires that a CPA update itThe quarterly reports submitted to the SEC by theThe Securities and Exchange Commission requires quWhich of the following services is performed underEvidence for a review engagement consists primarilWhich of the following forms of review are permissIn which type of report would you read the followiDistribution of which of the following types of reWhich of the following is not an area of emphasisReports on agreed-upon procedures are intended toSpecific attestation standards have been developedAn auditor who conducts an examination in accordanFor reviews, an accountant does not do which of thThe statement that “Nothing came to our attentionThe distribution of which of the following types oWhich of the following would not be included in aWhich of the following meets the attestation standA CPA firm can issue a compilation report:An examination results in a conclusion that is inCompilation reports may be of all but which of theCompilation reports may be of all but which of theA(n) __results in a conclusion that is in a positiPractitioners who perform reviews and compilationsBecause the same CPA firm does both the annual audStatements on Standards for Attestation EngagementThe auditor’s responsibility with respect to eventThe auditor’s responsibility with respect to eventA client has a calendar year-end. Listed below areAfter an auditor has issued an audit report on a nAn auditor’s decision concerning whether or not toSubsequent events affecting the realization of assAn auditor must obtain written client representatiAn auditor must obtain written client representatiElise-Greer, LLP is an affiliate of the audit clieA company guarantees the debt of an affiliate. WhiAn attorney is responding to an independent auditoManagement furnishes the independent auditor withA CPA has received an attorney’s letter in which nWhich of the following is not required to be commuWhich of the following is not a reason why the audThe process of “final evidence accumulation” is alThe auditor’s responsibility for “reviewing the suIf the auditor concludes that there are contingentWhy must audit documentation be reviewed?If the auditor determines that a subsequent eventWhile there is no professional requirement to do sWhich of the following material events occurring sWhich of the following determines the sufficiencyWhich event that occurred after the end of the fisAn auditor performs interim work at various timesIn connection with the annual audit, which of theAs part of an audit, a CPA often requests a represWhich of the following is the most efficient auditWhich of the following auditing procedures is ordiWhich of the following would be a subsequent discoWhen a client will not permit inquiry of outside lWhich of the following statements is correct?Which of the following audit procedures would mostThe auditor is responsible for communicating signiSAS No. 99 and SAS No. 54 require the auditor to cWhich of the following is not one of the categorieWhich of the following is not a purpose of the cliA client representation letter is:Refusal by a client to prepare and sign the represIf an auditor concludes there are contingent liabiWhich of the following statements regarding the leSAS No. 59 requires auditors to evaluate whether tSAS No. 59 requires the auditor to evaluate whetheWhich of the following is not a matter that is typThe audit procedures for the subsequent events revThe audit procedures for the subsequent events revWhen should auditors generally assess a client’s aThe process which requires the calculation of an iWhen auditors wish to evaluate a sample statisticaWhen the auditor goes through a population and selAn auditor can increase the likelihood that a sampOne cause of non-sampling risk is:One of the ways to eliminate non-sampling risk isTo determine if a sample is truly representative,In practice, auditors __ know if a sample is trulyWhen the auditor decides to select less than 100 pA sample in which the characteristics of the samplWhich one of the following would the auditor consiAn auditor needs to determine whether all customerWhen designing substantive tests of transactions fA proof of cash is not useful in discovering diffeWhich of the following would be the best protectioCash receipts from sales on account have been misaTransaction-related audit objectives are essentialWhich one of the following is not an auditor’s conProper separation of duties is useful to prevent vGenerally, audit evidence gathered from the salesSmith Manufacturing Company’s accounts receivableAt which point in an ordinary sales transaction woWhich of the following procedures would ordinarilyThe audit procedure referred to as proof of cash rtests for omitted transactions, while __ tests forIt is important that sales be billed and recordedPre-numbered documents will only be useful for conWith respect to sales, pre-numbered documents areWhich of the following is not a point at which theTo determine that sales are accurately recorded, tIn many audits of sales transactions, no substantiThe auditor traces items from the source documentsAn effective procedure to test for unbilled shipmeTo test for recorded sales for which there were noWhich one of the following statements is true? InThe credit-granting function should be separated fOne key internal control to prevent fictitious traTo prevent fraud, management should deny cash acceManagement’s assertions for sales and collection aAfter the auditor has identified the key internalA document used to indicate authority to write anWho is generally responsible for opening receiptsProper auditing requires that an account receivablCredit memos are normally issued for what purpose(When posting the sales journal, details of the jouThe document used as the basis for recording salesFor most firms, the function of indicating creditIn which of the following will sales return and alAn audit procedure that compares the name, amount,For the most part, the audit of the sales and collThe most important aspects of the billing functionIn many audits, no substantive tests of transactioSome companies have customers send payments directThe __is a contract between a carrier (e.g., a truThe process which postpones entries for the collecWhich of the following documents is not commonly aWhen designing audit procedures, the direction ofA document that initiates shipment of goods and inThe document that supports reductions in accountsThe document that accompanies the customer’s paymeA document sent to each customer showing his or heA listing of amounts owed by customer which showsThe total of the individual account balances in thWhich of the following is not a business functionMost companies recognize sales revenue when:At what point in the sales and collection cycle doThe document used to indicate to the customer theA document prepared to initiate shipment of the goBefore goods are shipped on account, a properly auWhat critical event must take place before goods cA __is a document that communicates the descriptioA __is a document that indicates a request for merWhat event initiates a transaction in the sales anWhich of the following is not one of the five clasWhich of the following is not an account affectedWhich of the following ultimately determines the sWhich of the following is not a valid basis for omAn exception in a test of control indicates the _oWhich of the following types of evidence is not avProcedures to obtain an understanding of internalDocumentation is used in every type of test exceptOnly __ involve physical examination and confirmatWhat type of test is used to more types of evidencWhich of the following is ordinarily designed to dThe reliance placed on substantive tests in relatiWhich of the following is/are performed in an audiAt what point in the audit are tests of details moAfter finishing the review phase of the study andWhich of the following tests form the basis for anWhich of the following audit tests would be regardTests of controls address each of the following quWhen controls are deemed ineffective and assessedIf the results of the tests of controls, substantiWhen an auditor believes that analytical procedureAuditors who test manual controls that rely on IT-Tests of details of balances focus on:Which of the following types of procedures will beMany auditors perform extensive analytical proceduAn increased extent of tests of controls is most lTests of controls are generally viewed as less expYou are reviewing sales to discover cutoff problemThe understatement of sales and accounts receivablIf the auditor decides not to confirm accounts recConfirmation of accounts receivable balances normaHow might the auditor determine whether a client hAn auditor should perform alternative procedures tThe positive (as opposed to the negative) form ofWhich of the following most likely would be detectWhat are the possible disadvantages of evaluatingFor which of the following accounts is cutoff leasGenerally accepted accounting principles require tWhen positive confirmations are used, auditing staWhich of the following procedures do most auditorsThe advantage of using the negative form of confirA positive confirmation is more reliable evidenceThe most important aspect of evaluating the clientCutoff misstatements can occur for:When do most companies record sales returns and alWhich of the following audit procedures would notA customer mails and records a check to a client fIf the client’s internal control for recording salAn auditor discovers that the client records salesMost tests of accounts receivable are based on whaIf accounts receivable accounts with credit balancBecause of its central role in auditing of accountWhen should auditors not perform alternative proceThe most important test of details of balances toMost tests of accounts receivable and the allowancThe most important test of details of balances forTests of details of balances are directed to:The extent of the testing of detail tie-in of an aThe most important test of details of accounts recAnalytical procedures are substantive tests and, ilikely to be performed first when doing tests of dFor cash receipts, the occurrence transaction-relaFor sales, the occurrence transaction-related audiA type of positive confirmation known as a blank cCommunication addressed to the debtor requesting hGenerally accepted accounting principles require tCutoff misstatements occur:Cut-off misstatements occur when:Auditors are often concerned with three aspects ofTesting the information on the aged trial balanceA listing of the balances in the accounts receivabtypes of receivables would not deserve the specialFor most audits, inherent risk for accounts receivTests of which balance-related audit objective arebalance-related audit objective evaluated in the aappropriate evidence to be obtained from tests ofThe two primary classes of transactions in the salbalance-related audit objective evaluated in the aChoose the best definition for the following phrasEvaluate the following expression using the valuesSimplify the following expression. 2x - 2y + 5z -Natalie made a mistake in the following problem.Evaluate 15 − 4 + (7 − 5)2Evaluate 9 − 3 • 2 + 4Evaluate 62 ÷ (3 + 9)Evaluate 48 + 24 ÷ 8 – 22When drawing a firearm, you must take care toSafe concealed carry of a firearm isA safe location to store a firearm isYour finger should be off the trigger untilYou should not point a firearm at something unlessCombination of 2 snehas____ritashould be used at the end of ___rithuAdminister ghrita with salt for the treatment ofUdarda is ____The essence of all the dhathus is known asTotal number of combination of tastes will beTri hima includesHaritaki ___nama shreshtamSarva rasabyaso ___ karanamAnu taila tatho nasya tatho___daranamThe ___row of teeth should be brushed firstBrahma muhoortha uttishttastvastha raksharthamAdhyayana nisidha kala___Purana is the function of___ dathuAnuvasana matra should be___of the quantity ofAchha pana kala___days from mrudu koshta person?Prakopa of Vata, pitta, kapha occurs in ___ ritusVidagdhajeerna is due toTypes of NidraWorst among phala varga isBest among matsya varga is___ comes under visishta mamsa vargaWorst among Shuka dhanya isWorst among Shali dhanyaisBest among Brihi dhanya isBest among Shuka danyaSukta (wine) is prepared byPhanitha is a product ofKilata is a preparation made by heatingThe contents of this type of file can be viewed inThis removes an item at a specific index in a listThis list method adds an item to the end of an exiThis string method returns a copy of the string wiThis function returns the length of a string.This is the last index in a string.


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