What are the future needs for Victimology as a field?

What are the future needs for Victimology as a field?

• Pillar 1: Basic Research
• Pillar 2: Program Evaluation
• Pillar 3: Evidence Based Practices

1. Conduct continuous rather than episodic strategic planning in the victim assistance field to effect real change in research, policy, programming, and capacity building.

2. Support the development of research to build a body of evidence-based knowledge and generate, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data on victimization, emerging victimization trends, services and behaviors, and enforcement efforts.

3. Ensure the statutory, policy, and programmatic flexibility to address enduring and emerging crime victim issues.

4. Build and institutionalize capacity through an infusion of technology, training, and innovation to ensure that the field is equipped to meet the demands of the 21st century.


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