What limits the use of wind power?

What limits the use of wind power?

  1. Wind tends to be highly variable in time, place, and intensity.
  2. Even in a particular area, the direction, velocity, and duration of wind may be quite variable depending on local topography and temperature differences in the atmosphere (geographic, meteorological problem) wind velocity increases over hilltops (vertical convergence) and wind may be funneled through a mountain pass (horizontal convergence).
  3. Need instruments that measure and monitor over time the strength, direction, and duration of the wind.
  4. Small windmills generate only 1 Kw of power which is too small to be considered for central power generation needs.
  5. California wind farms produce about 1.5% of the state's electricity. Total installed world wind power is 48,000 MW which is 48 times those of nuclear power plant


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