What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel?

Advantages of using biodiesel :

  • Renewable energy source.
  • Less polluting than petroleum diesel.
  • Lack of sulfur extends the life of catalytic converters.
  • Cleaner fuels and keep the engine running longer.
  • Brings down overall pollution check costs.
  • Can be blended with other energy resources and oil.
  • Lower carbon emissions and less greenhouse gases.

Disadvantages of using biodiesel :

  • 1.5x more expensive than petroleum diesel fuel.
  • A lot of energy required for sowing, fertilizing, harvesting and producing fuel from soy crops.
  • Dirt can clog the fuel filter.
  • Can't be transported in pipelines, increases the cost.
  • Not suitable in low temperatures.
  • Forms into gel or crystals which block fuel lines in a vehicle.


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