How does active solar water heating work?

How does active solar water heating work?


Active solar energy systems require mechanical power, usually electric pumps and other apparatuses, to circulate air, water, or other fluids from solar collectors to a location where the heat is stored until used. There are mechanical parts such as pumps and fans to distribute energy.

- Solar collectors to provide space heating or, more commonly, hot water are usually flat panels consisting of a glass-covered plate over a black background where an absorbing fluid (water or a volatile liquid) is circulated through tubes. Solar radiation enters the glass and is absorbed by the black background. Heat is emitted from the black material, heating the fluid circulating in the tubes. In cold climates, a liquid with a low freezing temperature is used because water is a poor absorbing fluid because it can freeze.

- The design of evacuated tube collectors are similar to the flat-plate collector. The difference is that each tube, along with its absorbing fluid, passes through a larger tube that helps reduce heat loss.
Solar collectors are experiencing rapid growth. The global market grew about 50% from 2001-2004. Solar water heating systems are economically viable, paying for themselves in only four to eight years.


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