La Salle's Grand Dream Questions with Answers
1. Who are the 2 authors of the article, "La Salles Grand Dream"?
Answer: James Bruseth, Toni Turner
2. What year did La Salle plant his colony on the Texas coast?
Answer: January, 1685
3. What was the name of La Salle's Fort?
Answer: Fort St. Louis
4. Name of La Salles last ship, sunk on Texas Coast in 1686?
Answer: La belle
5. La Belle was born in what year?
Answer: 1643
6. La Salle spent how many years as a Jesuit/teacher?
Answer: 12
7. La Salle traveled to new france (Canada) in what year?
Answer: 1666
8. What 2 groups did La Salle describe as his "enemies"?
Answer: Jesuits, Merchants
9. In 1673, what 2 French explorers discovered the Mississippi river?
Answer: Louis Joliet & Marquette
10. La Salle suffered from a mysterious illness, known today as what?
Answer: Manic Depressive
11. 1682, La Salle traveled down what river and found its mouth?
Answer: Mississippi
12. La Salle petitioned the French King, Louis 8th, to establish a_____ where the______ River met the gulf of______.
Answer: Colony, Mississippi, Mexico
13. France was at war with what country?
Answer: Spain
14. La Salles endeavor would be a bold statement against_____ efforts to control the Gulf of Mexico.
Answer: Spain's
15. In 1683, La Salle presented a bold plan to King Louis. What was La Salles 3 pronged approach?
1) Est. Fort and mouth of mississippi river to maintain French claim to Louisiana.
2) Establish trade w/ thousands of Indians and convert them to Christianity.
3) Est. a permanent colony, base from which the future invasion of Spain's Nueva Vizcaya be launched.
16. In all, La Salles expedition included about how many people?
Answer: 300
17. What was the name of the naval officer who commanded Le Joly?
Answer: Beaujeu
18. When La Salle landed in January 1685, he was probably near the western end of today's_____ island in Texas?
Answer: Matagorda
19. What was the name of the La Salle Expedition's Chronicler?
Answer: Henry Joutel
20. What Texas indian tribe lived in the Matagorda area?
Answer: Karankawa
21. What was the name of the French naval captain?
Answer: Aigron
22. March 14, 1685, what happened to Le Joly?
Answer: Departed with 120 of 300 colonists, leaving La Salle
23. When Le Joly departed for France, this left La Salle with a_____ number of men (now just 180) and greatly comprised______for building a colony.
Answer: diminished, provisions
24. What was the name of La Salles last remaining ship?
Answer: La Belle
25. What was La Salles name for present day Garcitas Creek, where he built his colony?
Answer: The river of the Bison
26. With Fort St. Louis established, La Salle again concentrated on finding the_____.
Answer: Mississippi
27. La Salle traded horses and food with what Indian tribe?
Answer: Caddo Indians
28. The loss of La Belle in 1686, La Salle's grand dream of a French_____on the_____ was in great jeopardy.
Answer: Settlement, Gulf of Mexico
29. January 1687, La Salle and 16 men set out to obtain supplies from_____. This was La Salle's______ expedition.
Answer: Canada, last
30. How many French colonists did he leave behind at Fort St. Louis?
Answer: 20
31. What 2 factors had claimed the lives of many of La Salle's doomed colonists?
Answer: Killing and Kidnapping
32. Late 1688 or early 1689, what Indian tribe killed or kidnapped these last French settlers?
Answer: Karankawas
33. March 1687, La Salle was assassinated by his own men near what present Texas town?
Answer: Navasota
34. What was the name of La Salle's trusted Shawnee Indian Hunter?
Answer: Nika
35. What was the name of the disgruntled Frenchman who shot La Salle in the head, killing him?
Answer: Duhaut
36. At the age of 43, after 20 years of_____ and ______ the wilderness of North America, the great French explorer lay dead, murdered by his own men.
Answer: Conquering and colonizing
37. What did La Salle's assassins do with his corpse?
Answer: La Salles possessions were took by his killers and his body was fed to wolves and other wild animals.
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