
Showing posts from February, 2017

As overall price levels rise, firms are willing to produce more. Why?

As overall price levels rise, firms are willing to produce more. Why? Answer: Because the prices of final goods and services tend to increase faster that the prices of inputs → PRICES ARE STICKY. → firms are able to increase revenues faster than costs, and want to produce more.

Why does the aggregate demand curve slope downward?

Why does the aggregate demand curve slope downward? GDP = OUTPUT = NATIONAL EXPENDITURE = C + I + G +NX: 1) CONSUMPTION (C): Changes in price level will change the REAL value of people's wealth and income → increase in overall prices, reduce people's wealth, in terms of real purchasing power. → When people are less wealthy, they consume less creating a NEGATIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN consumption and overall price level → wealth effect. NOTE: if wages increase the same amount as prices does, the purchasing power of those wages stay the same. 2) INVESTMENT (I): when prices rise, the interest rate (price or borrowing) rises too. Higher interest rates leads to less investments. → increase in borrow costs create an INDIRECT negative relationship between the price level and investment spending. 3) GOVERNMENT SPENDING : The government has NO EFFECT on the negative slopping of the demand curve. 4) NET EXPORTS : When the prices in the US increase, goods become relati...

What is the aggregate demand curve?

What is the aggregate demand curve? Answer: A curve that shows the relationship between the overall price level in the economy and total demand.

What is the difference between an increase in cost of production and increase in price level?

What is the difference between an increase in cost of production and increase in price level? Answer: An increase in the cost of production shirts the SRAS curve leftward, reducing quantity of output produced at a given price level. An increase in the price level itself → the weighted average of the prices of all goods and services we produce → would cause us to move from one point on the SRAS curve to another point on the same (unmoving) curve.

How do prices, real output, and unemployment behave as the economy responds to a change in aggregate demand?

How do prices, real output, and unemployment behave as the economy responds to a change in aggregate demand? Answer: Beginning from a state of long run equilibrium, an increase in real aggregate demand will, in the short run, because the economy to move up and to the right along its short run aggregate supply curve. As it does so, the prices of final goods will rise, a positive output gap will develop as real output rises above its natural level, and unemployment will fall below its natural rate. After a time, the expected level of input prices will begin to rise as a result of the increases that have taken place in the prices of final goods. As that happens, the economy will move up and to the left along the aggregate demand curve, assuming no further shift in that curve. The price level of final goods will continue to rise, real output will fall back toward its natural level, and unemployment will rise back toward its natural rate. If, after the economy reaches its new equilib...

What are the sources of shifts in the aggregate supply curves?

What are the sources of shifts in the aggregate supply curves? Answer: At the intersection of the long and short run aggregate supply curves, the price level of final goods and the expected level of input prices are equal. An increase (or decrease) in the expected level of input prices thus will cause the short run aggregate supply curve to shift up (or down) along the long run aggregate supply curve. The location of the long run aggregate supply curve is determined by the natural level of real output. An increase in natural real output resulting from improved technology or greater availability of productive resources will cause a rightward shift in the long run aggregate supply curve.

What are the conditions that determine the slopes of the short and long run aggregate supply curves?

What are the conditions that determine the slopes of the short and long run aggregate supply curves? Answer: An aggregate supply curve shows the relationship between the quantity of real output supplied (that is, real domestic product) and the average price level of final goods. The slope of the curve depends on what we assume about the way firms expect changes in the prices of final goods to affect input prices. In the long run, it is reasonable to expect input prices to adjust proportionally to changes in the prices of final goods. In that case, firms have no incentive to increase or decrease output, so the long run aggregate supply curve is a vertical line drawn at the economy's natural level of real output. In the short run, actual and expected input prices adjust only gradually to changes in the prices of final goods. Thus, in the short run, firms find it worthwhile to increase both output and prices in response to an increase in demand.

What are some sources of shifts in the aggregate demand curve?

What are some sources of shifts in the aggregate demand curve? Answer: Movements along the aggregate demand curve are associated with changes in the price level of final goods. Changes in other conditions can cause shifts in the curve. Among the sources of shifts are changes in consumer or business expectations, changes in policy regarding government purchases, taxes, and money; and changes in the world economy. Because of the multiplier effect, an initial $1 change in any of the components will cause the curve to shift to the right or left by more than $1.

What are the conditions that determine the slope of the aggregate demand curve?

What are the conditions that determine the slope of the aggregate demand curve? Answer: The aggregate demand curve shows the relationship between real planned expenditure on final goods and the average price level of final goods. The curve has a negative slope because each of the components of real aggregate demand--consumption, planned investment, government purchases, and net exports--varies inversely with the price level.

How do we define "return on investment" (ROI) in marketing?

How do we define "return on investment" (ROI) in marketing? Answer: The net return from a marketing investment divided by the costs of the marketing investment.

How do we define "marketing implementation"?

How do we define "marketing implementation"? Answer: The process that turns marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives.

How do we define "market segmentation"?

How do we define "market segmentation"? Answer: Dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behavior and who might require separate products or marketing programs.

How do we define "marketing strategy"?

How do we define "marketing strategy"? Answer: The marketing logic by which the company hopes to create customer value and achieve profitable customer relationships.

How do we define a "value delivery network" in marketing?

How do we define a "value delivery network" in marketing? Answer: The network made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who "partner" with each other to improve the performance of the entire system.

How do we define a "value chain" in marketing?

How do we define a "value chain" in marketing? Answer: The series of departments that carry out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support a firm's products.

How do we define a "product/market expansion grid" in marketing?

How do we define a "product/market expansion grid" in marketing? Answer: A portfolio-planning tool for identifying company growth opportunities through market penetration, market development, product development or diversification.

How do we define a "growth-share matrix" in marketing?

How do we define a "growth-share matrix" in marketing? Answer: A portfolio-planning method that evaluates a company's strategic business units in terms of their market growth rate and relative market share. SBUs are classified as stars, cash cows, question marks, or dogs.

How do we define "portfolio analysis" in marketing?

How do we define "portfolio analysis" in marketing? Answer: The process by which management evaluates the products and businesses making up the company.

Which of the following is not a step in the strategic planning process?

Which of the following is not a step in the strategic planning process? Answer: The process by which management evaluates the products and businesses making the company.

What are the primary differences between muscular strength and muscular endurance training?

What are the primary differences between muscular strength and muscular endurance training? Muscular strength is a measure of how much force a muscle can exert in a single effort, while muscle endurance describes the ability of muscles to contract repeatedly over time. Muscle strength and endurance develop together: that is, building muscle strength also helps build endurance and vice versa.

How can the training principles be applied to improve muscular strength and muscular endurance?

How can the training principles be applied to improve muscular strength and muscular endurance? To build muscular endurance, an athlete must train her muscles to overcome fatigue. Gains in muscular endurance are not made by increasing the weight lifted, but by increasing the amount of time a muscle spends contracting against resistance. A muscular endurance training program should come after a maximum-strength building phase (high weights, low repetitions), because the greater a muscle's strength, the more force it can exert during muscular endurance training. Muscular endurance training should not be done to muscle failure. If you want to build strength on a particular muscle, you would have to lift weights that work out that particular muscle, such as doing arm curls for biceps, bench presses for triceps/pectoral muscles, etc. If you want to build strength all round, you would have to set up a workout regimen, targeting each muscle group at least once every few days.

What 3 types of fibers are found in skeletal muscles?

What 3 types of fibers are found in skeletal muscles? 1.slow twitch fibers-red muscle fibers that are slow to contract but have the ability to continue contracting for long periods of time 2.intermediate fibers- muscle fibers that possess a combination of the fast and slow-twitch fiber characteristics twitch fibers- white muscle fibers that contract quickly

How does a weight-training program affect males and females differently?

How does a weight-training program affect males and females differently? Answer:  Men naturally produce testosterone in their body, this giving them an advantage. Without the use of steroids or some form of supplemental testosterone, women will never be able to achieve the bulky results that men do through bodybuilding exercises.

What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance?

What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance? Answer: Muscular strength is a measure of how much force you can exert in one repetition. Muscular endurance refers to the ability to perform a specific muscular action for a prolonged period of time.

What are some resistance options to add for pulling movements?

What are some resistance options to add for pulling movements? Resistance Bands - standing Cables - standing Machine rows and pull downs - seated Dumbbells - bent over (rows) Med balls and barbells are not recommended for beginners for rowing exercises because one arm is not free for torso support.

What are some resistance options to add for rotational movements?

What are some resistance options to add for rotational movements? Resistance Bands - standing Cables - standing Machines - seated Lifting med balls - variety of positions It can be difficult to use dumbbells in rotational movement but they can be used in movements that directly oppose gravity's line of pull.

What are the training objectives in the load training phase?

What are the training objectives in the load training phase? Answer: To increase muscular endurance, muscular strength, muscle hypertrophy, body composition, movement, function, and health.

How should you address Frequency in the load training phase?

How should you address Frequency in the load training phase? Answer: During the initial months 2-3 weekly workouts appear to be effective, however, as clients become more advanced and train at higher effort levels, more recovery time is needed between successive exercise sessions. If an equal or greater number of reps cannot be completed in training in subsequent workouts, the training frequency should be reduced to 2 days a week.

How should you address Intensity in the load training phase?

How should you address Intensity in the load training phase? Answer: One objective of muscular endurance training is to work the targeted muscle to fatigue in the end range of the anaerobic energy system. For most people, this requires an exercise set that continues for about 75-100 seconds. Given a training speed of 6 seconds per rep, this is a range of 12-16 controlled reps. Generally, 12 reps can be completed with about 70% max resistance and 16 reps can be done with 60% max. Therefore it is recommended that training intensity for muscular endurance be between 60-70% of maximum resistance.

How should you address Reps in the load training phase?

How should you address Reps in the load training phase? Answer: The recommended rep range for enhancing muscular endurance is between 12-16 controlled reps that fatigue the targeted muscles withing 75-100 seconds. The resistance should be increased by about 5% when 16 controlled reps can be completed. This should decrease the rep count by 2-4 reps making them progress back up.

How should you address Sets in the load training phase?

How should you address Sets in the load training phase? Answer: Most programs designed for increasing muscular endurance incorporate multiple sets of each training exercise. Another is to take relatively brief rest periods between successive exercise sets. Muscular strength training emphasizes full recovery between exercise sets while muscular endurance training is typically characterized by rest periods of less than 30 seconds. Therefore it is recommended that clients training for muscular endurance perform 2-3 sets of each with less than 60 seconds between sets.

How should you address Type of Exercise in the load training phase?

How should you address Type of Exercise in the load training phase? Answer: Standard free weight and machine exercises are well suited for muscular endurance because the weightloads can be progressed with consistency and in small increments.

What is the first progression in circuit strength training?

What is the first progression in circuit strength training? Answer: Increase the number of circuits done. Then you can increase resistance by 5%.

How should you address frequency for muscular strength training?

How should you address frequency for muscular strength training? Answer: This causes significant tissue microtrauma that typically requires 72 hours to heal, so clients who complete a total body workout should schedule 2 workouts per week. If they do split routines breaking up the muscle groups they can do 6 days per week with a 3 day period between each muscle group.

How should you address intensity for muscular strength training?

How should you address intensity for muscular strength training? Answer: 70-90% max resistance to begin with. For optimal development, use between 80-90% of the 1RM. Exercises with near-max weightloads that allow 1-3 reps with more than 90% max weight are highly effective. Increase weight over several weeks.

How should you address reps for muscular strength training?

How should you address reps for muscular strength training? Answer: Determined by resistance. This usually involves fewer reps because of the high weightloads. Most people can do 4 reps with 90% weight and 6 with 80%. When 7 reps can be done then increase the load by 5%.

How should you address sets for muscular strength training?

How should you address sets for muscular strength training? Answer: Can be done through single or multiple set training. Maybe start clients with one hard set of each exercise and increase the number of stimulus sets in accordance to client. Clients will need longer recovery periods. This will typically be 2-5 minute periods. Single set programs will take much less time.

How should you address type of exercise for muscular strength training?

How should you address type of exercise for muscular strength training? Answer: Machine and free weights are best. Squats, deadlifts, or leg presses, lunges, step ups, bench press, incline press, shoulder press, and bar dips, seated rows, lat pull downs and pull ups are all best.

How should you address frequency for muscle hypertrophy training?

How should you address frequency for muscle hypertrophy training? Answer: High volume workouts that include several sets of many exercises for each major muscle group. Use split routines. 6 day split is common.

How should you address intensity for muscle hypertrophy training?

How should you address intensity for muscle hypertrophy training? Answer: 70-80% of max. This should increase muscle strength and endurance since it falls between the ranges of both. Moderate weightloads that can be performed a moderate number of reps with little rest between sets.

How should you address reps for muscle hypertrophy training?

How should you address reps for muscle hypertrophy training? Answer: Most can perform 6 reps with 80% max and 12 reps with 70% so 6-12 reps is recommended.

How should you address sets for muscle hypertrophy training?

How should you address sets for muscle hypertrophy training? Answer: They may perform 4 or more exercises for each muscle group and 3-6 sets of each exercise. Bodybuilders usually rest only 30-90 seconds between sets.

How should you address type of exercise for muscle hypertrophy training?

How should you address type of exercise for muscle hypertrophy training? Answer: Combination of free weights and machines to target all muscle groups with emphasis on isolation exercises. Example, they do squats and leg presses to work the quads, hamis, and glutes, then do leg extensions, leg curls, and hip extensions, then adductions and abductions to target each specific muscle.

Why are selectorized equipment machines a good idea?

Why are selectorized equipment machines a good idea? Answer: They provide body support and predetermined movement patterns.

What exercises are well suited to selectorized resistance machines?

What exercises are well suited to selectorized resistance machines? Answer: Trunk flexion, trunk extension, trunk rotation, knee flexion, knee extension, hip adduction, and hip abduction because it is difficult to isolate these joint actions with free weights.

What is sodium bicarbonate?

What is sodium bicarbonate? Answer: A salt that neutralizes acids by increasing the blood's alkalinity and buffering capacity so that more lactic acid can be neutralized during physical activity.

What is creatine?

What is creatine? Answer: A non-prescription dietary supplement that is promoted for its ability to enhance muscle strength and physical endurance.

What population should not use creatine?

What population should not use creatine? Answer: People with the risk of renal dysfunction, such as those with diabetes, hpertension, and decreased kidney function.

Why is Iron necessary for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Iron necessary for optimal athletic performance? Answer: It is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which deliver oxygen from the lungs to the working muscles.

Why is Zinc important for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Zinc important for optimal athletic performance? Answer: Immune function, protein synthesis, and blood formaion. it is readily lost from strenuous exercise.

Why is Vitamin B12 important for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Vitamin B12 important for optimal athletic performance? Answer: Important for normal metabolism of nerve tissue, protein, fat, and carbs.

Why is Riboflavin important for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Riboflavin important for optimal athletic performance? Answer: Essential nutrient for energy production. Stored in muscles and used most in times of muscular fatigue.

Why is Vitamin D important for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Vitamin D important for optimal athletic performance? Answer: Necessary for calcium absorption, bone growth, and mineralization.

Why is Calcium important for optimal athletic performance?

Why is Calcium important for optimal athletic performance? Answer: Maintaining bone structure and Vitamin D metabolism, blood clotting, nerve transmission, and muscle stimulation.

What is androstenedione?

What is androstenedione? Answer: A steroid produced by the adrenal glands that is a precursor to testosterone and other androgens; has been used as a supplement to increase muscle strength.

What is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)?

What is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)? Answer: A steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex with a wide range of biological effects.

In the tubules, how are waste products such as urea and creatinine reabsorbed?

In the tubules, how are waste products such as urea and creatinine reabsorbed? Answer: Poorly from the tubules and excreted in relatively large amounts.

What steps are involved in the net reabsorption of sodium ions from the tubular lumen back into the blood?

What steps are involved in the net reabsorption of sodium ions from the tubular lumen back into the blood? 1. Sodium diffuses across the luminal membrane into the cell down an electrochemical gradient established by the sodium-potassium ATPase pump on the basolateral side of the membrane. 2. Sodium is transported across the basolateral membrane against an electrochemical gradient by the sodium-potassium ATPase pump. 3. Sodium, water, and other substances are reabsorbed from interstitial fluid into the peritubular capillaries by ultrafiltration.

What are the primary active transporters in the kidneys?

What are the primary active transporters in the kidneys? Answer: Sodium-Potassium ATPase,  Hydrogen ATPase,  Hydrogen-potassium ATPase, and  Calcium ATPase

For a substance to be reabsorbed, how must it be transported?

For a substance to be reabsorbed, how must it be transported? 1) across the tubular epithelial membranes into the renal interstitial fluid and then. 2) through the peritubular capillary membrane back into the blood.

What 3 characteristics make the Arctic one of the world's largest emerging markets?

What 3 characteristics make the Arctic one of the world's largest emerging markets? 1 Natural resources 2. Fisheries 3. trade/transshipment routes due to global warming

What is the difference between a change in percentage and a change in percentage point?

What is the difference between a change in percentage and a change in percentage point? A change in percentage requires dividing by a base number. A change in percentage points is just the difference between two percentages. (For instance 50% to 60% is an increase of 10 percentage points.)