
Showing posts from July, 2017

What are the 5 types of CINV? Explain each.

What are the 5 types of CINV? Explain each. 1. Acute: occurs within first 24 hours after administration of cancer chemotherapy. (generally peaks after 5-6 hours) 2. Delayed: occurs from 14 hours to several days after chemo 3. Anticipatory: learned or conditioned response from poorly controlled nausea and vomiting associated with previous chemo 4. Breakthrough: occurs despite prophylaxis 5. Refractory: occurs during subsequent treatment cycles

What are 6 of the most common chemotherapy-induced events?

What are 6 of the most common chemotherapy-induced events? 1. CINV 2. Peripheral neutopathy (CIPN) 3. Febrile neutropenia (CIFN) 4. Thrombocytopenia (CIT) 5. Anemia (CIA) 6. Bone loss (CIBL)

What three drug classes are used to try to treat CINV?

What three drug classes are used to try to treat CINV? 1. 5HT3 receptor antagonist (-setron) 2. Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) 3. NK1 receptor antagonist

What are the 4 purposes of chemotherapy? Explain each.

What are the 4 purposes of chemotherapy? Explain each. 1. Curative: elimination of all known tumor mass 2. Palliative: treatment aimed at improving symptoms 3. Adjuvant: chemo which attempts to eliminate micro-metastatic disease following primary treatment 4. Non-adjuvant: chemo offered prior to other primary potentially curable therapy